- 防止體能下降:現代社會的幼兒缺乏運動場所和機會,導致平均體能下降。一些傳統的運動器材和遊戲方式被認為過於危險,導致幼兒運動量不足。幼兒在跌倒或遇到危險時缺乏應對能力。
- 社會性的欠缺:現代幼兒普遍缺乏活力、責任感和忍耐力。體能遊戲可以幫助幼兒提高這些素質。團體體能遊戲可以促進幼兒的社會性發展。
- 本書適合於幼兒個人及團體的體能遊戲,有多種的遊戲內容及種類,讓老師來選擇適當的種類,在適當的時間,給適當的幼兒來做體能遊戲,最重要的是要能讓幼兒他自己能主動的去遊戲。
- 對於動作層面,老師不能只要求幼兒來做體能遊戲,而是要讓幼兒有機會去思考他要去做什麼遊戲,在適當的時候與幼兒,以對話的方式在很自然的情境下,讓幼兒自己能主動的去遊戲,來刺激感覺運動與智能的發展。
- 體能遊戲無年齡的區隔,遊戲的規則沒有詳細的規定,老師自己來選擇適當的種類給適當的幼兒來作遊戲。
- 為了方便說明,對於遊戲的器材有分類,老師對於各種運動的要素,要能充份瞭解,不能有偏差,盡量要擴大遊戲的領域及內容,讓幼兒自己去體驗。
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Author:Hong Nanhai, Taiwan (Founder of Renhe Kindergarten in Tainan City, secondary school physical education teacher, invested in early childhood education in Tainan for decades, one of the pioneers of soccer in Taiwan; had beenExpedition to Koshien on behalf of Taiwan)
© 2024 | Copyright: This book was written by the late Mr. Hung Hai Nan forPromote the physical fitness of young children in Taiwan, make reference to the advancement of kindergarten education, and synthesize decades of experience in the field of their own kindergarten education.To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of Renhe and Mr. Hong Nanhai, the full text of this book is scanned on the Internet, "free" for all early childhood educators and parents to refer to, as long as it is not for sale or other commercial activities, you are welcome to use and share it, if you share it through the website, please add it in the webpage that you share or quote."Link to "500 Examples of Physical Fitness Games for Young ChildrenThank you.
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