Hula Hoop Games



  1. 將大的呼拉圈向前丟,而使呼拉圈逆向轉回來,這就可以培養敏捷性。
  2. 利用手或腳掛上呼拉圈,讓小朋友玩投籃遊戲。
  3. 因呼拉圈本身有許多不同顏色,以讓小朋友在遊戲中叉可以分辨與認識顏色。
  4. 利用身體的一部份與顏色來玩數遊戲,將各種顏色的呼拉圈擺放在地上,由老師決定顏色分配,例如:紅色是1、黃色是2、藍色是3、綠色是4。當小朋友走到紅色呼拉圈時,利用身體的一部份來表示紅色代表1.當走到黃色時,再以身體任何部位來表示2,以此類推。




500 Examples of Physical Games for Toddlers
500 Examples of Physical Games for Toddlers - Theory
500 Examples of Physical Fitness Games for Toddlers - Practical Examples
Sweaty Large Muscle Physical Activity: Labeling*
Indoor Physical Activity: Labeling ◎

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Author:Hong Nanhai, Taiwan (Founder of Renhe Kindergarten in Tainan City, secondary school physical education teacher, invested in early childhood education in Tainan for decades, one of the pioneers of soccer in Taiwan; had beenExpedition to Koshien on behalf of Taiwan)

© 2024 | Copyright: This book was written by the late Mr. Hung Hai Nan forPromote the physical fitness of young children in Taiwan, make reference to the advancement of kindergarten education, and synthesize decades of experience in the field of their own kindergarten education.To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of Renhe and Mr. Hong Nanhai, the full text of this book is scanned on the Internet, "free" for all early childhood educators and parents to refer to, as long as it is not for sale or other commercial activities, you are welcome to use and share it, if you share it through the website, please add it in the webpage that you share or quote."Link to "500 Examples of Physical Fitness Games for Young ChildrenThank you.

If you have any pointers or ECE experiences to share, 歡迎留言或透過電子郵件info@jenher.com聯絡我們.