Because of the previous case of enterovirus, the staff of the Health Center visited the school again this week and reviewed the health care information in detail, such as the class roll book, the note column at the back of the book, the children's sick leave, and whether or not the cause of the illness and the hospital they visited had been filled out in detail, etc. All of these were carried out in accordance with the regulations and there were no problems.
The interviewer asked the children about the five times to wash their hands and the children answered clearly-before eating, after going to the toilet, before carrying the baby, after playing games, and after going home; then the children were asked to wash their hands in front of the washstand, and the interviewer carefully watched the hand-washing of each child. Wet (moistening the hands with clean water, applying soap on the hands), scrub (scrubbing the hands up to the elbows for 20 seconds, and the fingers and fingernails need to be cleaned), rinse (rinsing hands thoroughly with clean water), hold (holding hands in water to rinse the faucet and then screwing it down), wipe (using a handkerchief to dry or dry both hands). Rinse (rinse your hands thoroughly with clean water), hold (hold water in both hands and rinse the faucet before tightening it), and wipe (dry your hands with a handkerchief or dry them).
Most of the children examined passed the hand-washing test, but one or two children were cited for not scrubbing carefully enough, not 20 strokes, and not doing a good job of scrubbing the fingertips and crevices of the fingers.
The inspectors reminded that it is the lack of scrubbing and thorough washing that allows germs to take advantage of the situation, and that is why enteroviruses are contracted. We urge parents to step up publicity on the five opportunities and five steps for proper hand-washing in order to ensure that germs do not get into the body.
Hand washing is really important, thanks to the inspector for reminding us that it's not just a matter of having it done, it's a matter of having it done right. It's not just a matter of doing it, it's a matter of doing it right.
Please make sure that parents take the time to look at their children's handwashing situation, so that they can develop a good habit of washing their hands properly, handwashing is not for inspection, but for the protection of their own bodies.
A small soldier can make a big difference. Health can be so simple.
There are a lot of small things in life, and the same applies to education, which should not be overlooked. Each small point, when accumulated, can become a big problem.
Children are now two to six years old, adults always think it is still small, but they do not know that they are like sponges, fast absorbing, take it all in; with time to add years, and slowly accumulate the ability to all aspects of the habit, grow up with good and bad, in fact, is the accumulation of the day.
There are a whole host of problems with education, so what's the problem? Home education? School education? Social education? If we don't change our concepts and values, no matter how much the system is changed, it will be futile.
Peace, health and happiness to your family.