Tag: 戶外參觀

The Nature of Early Childhood Education

A few days ago, my teacher sent me some happy news. A fifth-grade alumnus of the National Elementary School, who is currently involved in academic research on insects, published a paper that was published in an international research journal, alongside PhD students, which is such an honor, and we are already proud of it, let alone our parents and family members. Speaking of thesis, this is a report that only masters and doctors or professors can publish when they are promoted to the next level and doing research, but a fifth-grade elementary school student is capable of doing this!

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Grateful Heart

Thanksgiving cards were posted in the activity room, attracting everyone's attention, stopping to appreciate the cards that came from parents and children working together. Each card represented the heart of the parents and their accompanying hearts, guiding children to use their pens to draw, use their mouths to express their gratitude for people, things, and objects, and to share what they felt thankful for in the past year, presenting the gratitude in their hearts as images. Thanksgiving cards are not about how beautiful the drawing is or how nice the artwork is, but about the content of the card.

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Outdoor Education: Outside the Classroom, Learning with a Sense of Place

Going outside the classroom to learn experiential knowledge rather than knowledge in a package has become a new international learning trend in recent years. Finland, the U.S., the U.K., Australia, and Japan have coincidentally begun to emphasize "outdoor education" in the hope of responding to the needs of future education, and Taiwan is also catching up with this international trend. Simply put, any learning that takes place outside the classroom is outdoor education. Letting children go out of the classroom, regaining their curiosity, and combining the five senses of experience with integrated learning, makes learning closer to life, including the life of a child.

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Getting out of the Campus Getting to Know the Environment

This week, in line with the theme of teaching, in addition to the Kindergarten class, each class in the teacher's lead to the community to investigate. The reminders beforehand were inevitable, and we always worry about safety when we go out. Everything was ready, and the children were all smiles, happily walking hand in hand in the neighborhood. Although it is often in and out of every day must pass through the alley, but the children are a little strange, usually either by bus, or by motorcycle, it is rare to have the leisure, and teachers, classmates walking to investigate, look at the school!

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Message from the Director - Spring Tour

Outdoor learning or traveling activities are very popular among children in kindergartens and are full of curiosity. For children who like new things, outdoor learning and interaction with their peers, discovering and seeing together, are all valuable learning experiences. Each semester, we arrange a trip in the cooler weather of spring and fall to a destination within an hour and a half's drive, with Tainan as the first priority. When we set the date at the beginning of the semester, we could not predict the weather, but we had faith that we would be able to make the trip.

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Message from the Director - Fall Thanksgiving Tour

On Thanksgiving Day Thursday, we received several happy Thanksgiving cards from our friends early in the morning, which made us feel very warm, and we also sent back this joyful message to welcome the beginning of the day with a brisk step. On this day of thanksgiving, we arranged a fall tour, the location of which was a one-day tour of the capital city, and a tour of ancient monuments - Chimei Building, Anping Ancient Fortress, and Yizai Golden City; the tour locations were not unfamiliar to the children, and they should have been there several times before, but the children were just very happy and excited!

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Museum Spring Tour

It was hard to wait for the spring tour, and the children were very much looking forward to it. However, due to the rising epidemic, the number of confirmed cases has been increasing, from two-digit to three-digit to four-digit, and everyone's worries have increased; should the tour be held as usual or canceled? It is really a dilemma. The decision had to be made in a democratic way. First, the teachers voted, and all of them unanimously approved to hold the tour as usual; then came the children, and those who were in favor of it sat down, and only three of them who were not going to participate in the tour passed it, and so the tour was held as usual.

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Taiwan Museum of History

Located on Changhe Road in Annan District, near the Asia-Pacific International Baseball Training Center, the Museum of Taiwan History occupies a spacious 20-hectare site. In addition to the museum building, the museum, like the Siraya Visitor Center, has a large expanse of green grassland, making the environment spacious and comfortable, and very suitable for outdoor activities. After more than a year of closure and renovation, the museum will finally reopen in 2021 with four new special exhibitions and a rebuilt Children's Hall, which features a variety of interactive installations that children will love.

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Spring Tour - Outdoor Learning

Time: Thursday, April 21, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Venue: National Museum of History (No. 250, Sec. 1, Changhe Rd., Annan Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan, R.O.C.) Transportation: Tour buses Participants: 1. Middle. Elementary. Kindergarten children. 2. Each class is open to three family members to accompany (please register with the class teacher). ※ Fee: Children - 160 yuan (including bus fare, lunch) parents - 300 yuan (including bus fare, entry).

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Message from the Director - Outdoor Learning: Confucius Temple and Weather Center

As the epidemic slowed down, the number of tour buses resumed, and many venues relaxed their attendance, kindergartens were able to plan out-of-school visits and fall tours to coincide with teaching and learning. The first stops were the Confucius Temple and the Southern Taiwan Meteorological Center, in keeping with the semester theme for kindergarten classes, "There is Magic in the Sky". Reservations were required for the visit, and the reservation process for the Southern Taiwan Meteorological Center was not smooth, as it was booked online, and the number of visitors was limited, so it was not until mid-October that we were sure we could go there; the center opened at 10:00 a.m., so we had to make a reservation.

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