Renhe Blog


歷史上第一次用生命捍衛母語的「孟加拉語言運動」 「語言」對許多人而言可能不過是工具,但它承載了文化中最表象也最核心的部分,因此自古以來,要消滅一個文化最便捷的方式,就是從語言下手。 時間來到1947年。那年,英國將勢力撤出印度殖民地,當地因為宗教不同而分為印度與巴基斯坦兩國,當時的巴基斯坦就像印度上

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本週寒流來襲,氣象署對全台發佈低溫特報,台南早上氣溫只有10度,北部有些地方比10度還低,幾所學校因低溫而停課。 一早來園,冷得直打哆嗦,就算戴上禦寒的帽子,還是冷。看著每個帶小孩來園的家長,個個都穿著保暖的外套,動作也因此顯得較緩慢;不過,有些孩子卻不然,穿著與平常一樣,活力和熱情依舊。 早到的孩

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國民健康署提供低溫保健8個要點,幫助家人與自己安度寒流的衝擊: 保暖: 在室內的居家臥室、衛浴與客廳等環境,空間要保暖也要維 持適度的空氣流通,做好防寒與安全措施。在室外時,身體一定要做好完整的保暖,尤其注意頭頸部及四肢末端。 暖身:抗寒五字訣「 慢、熱、起、穿、行」,提醒長者們因夜間或清晨溫度較低

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上週經過投票後,選出未來的總統和立委了。問孩子們,新的總統是誰?有小孩回答~賴清德,園長提醒有禮貌的小孩要加上總統兩個字,是賴清德總統。 除了總統還有立委,立委小朋友較不清楚。 問~為什麼要有總統?孩子們不知道也說不出所以然,於是和小孩們分享,總統是一個國家的領導人,要管理整個台灣的事情。 如每個人

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Elections and referendums

選舉制度簡介 據《總統副總統選舉罷免法》以及《公職人員選舉罷免法》規定,我國公職人員選舉包括總統、副總統、立法委員、直轄市議員、縣(市)議員、鄉(鎮、市)民代表、直轄市山地原住民區民代表、直轄市長、縣(市)長、鄉(鎮、市)長、直轄市山地原住民區長、村(里)長選舉,並於中央、 直轄市、縣(市)設置選舉

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poor in letters and rich in arms

Tuesday morning light circuit physical activity time, see Helen mom and Kady mom in order to provide children with safe, fun, interesting, challenging circuit physical activity, sharing, discussing with each other's heart and serious attitude, do not look down on this routine activities; and in the activities, on the one hand, to observe children's situation, timely adjustments, professional and dedicated attitude, the principal watched it! The principal was so impressed. The planning of the two teachers is certainly important, but the equipment is not.

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Why is college physical education important?

From the changes in Japan's higher education to see Taiwan's youth physical crisis, the number of college physical education classes affects students' physical fitness level 2020 I wrote an article 〈Don't take college physical education classes lightly anymore! Why Higher Education Physical Education should be a compulsory credit for all four years," talking about the necessity of university physical education classes. When some of the university teachers I know met and talked about the trend of making physical education compulsory to elective, they often lamented that students were not as physically fit as they used to be; one retired professor in particular lamented that "the sliding scale of physical education is not as good as it used to be".

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很多新手爸媽會發現,當孩子進入兩歲後,常常把「不要」掛在嘴 邊,有時候甚至爸媽話還沒講完,孩子就立刻回嘴「不要」,不禁懷念起那個還是嬰兒時期寶貝可愛的模樣。 6個月到1歲間是兒童的意圖行為發展期,漸漸增加對環境或事物的探索,到了2歲之後,逐漸發展自己對外界的認知和情緒,隨著認知能力提升需求變多,但這

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不要!不要!孩子,你到底要什麼? 2歲開始幼兒叛逆期

2、3歲,到底在不要什麼?爸媽等了半天的語言,竟然等到一堆「不要」,有時教到快起肖,我來照樣造句,告訴你,他們在不要什麼~ 不要打破我的順序 不要剝奪我好奇探險  不要以為我還小 不要用情緒教我 不要一直叫我守規距 不要一直叫我吃飯 不要什麼都聽你的 不要只有這麼少 不要一直問我 不要,真

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Christmas Surprise

The most awaited and welcomed program of the Christmas series was the "Joy in the Park - Love at Christmas", which debuted last Friday, December 22, with a variety of exciting contents, including performances by the children of each class, the visit of a mysterious guest, and the drawing of lots of prizes, which attracted the enthusiastic participation of the parents. First of all, there were performances by children from different classes. The children graciously went on the stage and danced to the music to bring out the joy of Christmas, and the camera of parents under the stage was faster than the music to take pictures for the children.

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