Renhe Blog

Wow! There are so many benefits to playing in the sand!

Has your baby already had the experience of playing in the sand? Do you support or oppose the idea of children playing with sand? As a matter of fact, for children who have played with sand, "sand" is really a magical force that makes people never get tired of playing with it, and after playing with it, they will definitely want to play with it again, and there are really many benefits of playing with sand! Benefit 1: Provides tactile experience and enhances sensory integration - "Skin" is the largest organ in the human body, and when humans are still in the embryonic stage, our brain and

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幼兒體能遊戲 - 巡迴遊戲

The spirit of a good gardener.

3月12日植樹節,簡單分享植樹節的由來後,問:「為什麼有植樹節?為何要種樹、種花?」「讓空氣好、可以乘涼、環境漂亮、讓地球更美麗」「假如幼兒園裡沒有花草樹木,環境會變怎樣?」 現場鴉雀無聲,小孩們似乎認真的在想一個沒有花草樹木的園地。 在春暖花開、大地回春之際,是植樹的好時機,降低溫室效應節能減碳,

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Arbor Day for Greening

植樹節真正成為名正言順地被認證頒訂的節日,則是在1915年7月,當時國父孫中山先生認為林業是百年大計,其在擔任中華民國臨時大總統時期,就曾特別指示設立了負責全國林業的農林部、山林司,更頒布了第一部《森林法》.倡議號召植樹造林行動來造福後代,並由政府下令規定,每年清明節為植樹節。 後來1925年3月1

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Learning how to protect yourself will benefit you for the rest of your life.

Wednesday night news reports, Tainan Wufei Street and Ximen Road section of the intersection of a new construction site, a road surface collapse occurred, the street intersection appeared as long as 10 meters of large potholes, a parked truck fell into the pothole, truck drivers helplessly, said, my car has not yet been repaid the loan, so this is ruined; another car rear wheels hanging, fortunately, no injuries; the city government emergency, the project has been ordered to stop work. One of the residents said to the builder, "You are digging so deep and building so much!

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很多時候,我們總是漠視可能產生的危害,覺得法令、規定或是執法人員太過嚴苛、不知變通、或是故意找麻煩。 那是已經接近耶誕節假期的十二月中,原本計劃十月就要開店的良辰吉時,因為執照一直申請不下來而延宕著。負責店面裝潢的越南裔設計師告訴我,今天是最後一次檢查,應該都沒有問題了。我不禁擔憂地說著:「你從十月

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[Campus Mask Wearing Requirements]

幼兒園口罩佩戴依防疫管理指引,規定如下: (一)校園室內外得自主佩戴口罩(不強制配戴),如有發燒或呼吸道症狀、於人潮聚集且無法保持適當距離或通風不良之場所、搭乘公共運輸工具 (如幼兒園專用車),建議佩戴口罩;健康中心比照衛生福利部所列指定場所(醫療照護機構)規定戴口罩。 (二)考量教學需求時,有衛生

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幼兒體能遊戲 - 輪胎遊戲

Spring and Games

The wheel of time keeps on turning, and without realizing it, a month has passed since the beginning of the school year, and in the blink of an eye, it is already March 2024. Thursday is the last day of February 229, a special day once every four years. I briefly shared the difference between a leap year and an even year, and then asked: Is there anyone with a 229 birthday? No one raised their hands. March is the season of spring, the season of blossom, the season of recovery. Although there is still a slight chill in the air, spring has already squeezed into the threshold of the season. Flowers in the garden

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Prolonged wearing of masks affects young children's social learning

疫情期間外界笑稱「口罩上身、顏值飆升」,至今室內口罩解禁,仍有不少民眾因此不願脫罩。 「口罩遮三醜」其實有科學根據,英國卡迪夫大學心理學院去年完成一份研究報告,發現無論男女,戴口罩後都被認為更好看,主持研究的臉部專家路易斯說,口罩將人們的注意力轉移到眼睛上,而大腦會填補缺失的空白並誇大整體影響。 不

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Be a leader for your child

Good habits take effort, time and energy to develop, but it's easy and effortless to break the hard-to-establish good habits. Holiday syndrome is one of them. Holiday Syndrome is a condition that occurs when a child takes two days off a week or a series of vacations and then loses the routine that he or she has worked so hard to establish. Some children need to re-adjust to their daily routines, some very quickly, while others need a longer period of time. One day, I received a phone call from a parent who wanted to hire a child care provider for their child.

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