[Enrollment]–It has been more than a month since the second semester of the 113th academic year began.We would like to thank the parents for their support, love and cooperation in making the operation of the school run smoothly, and also for their suggestions on how to improve the school in the areas where we are not doing well.
Students in the 114th school year (114/8/1-115/7/31), mainly existing elementary and middle school children and friends, new school yearThe enrollment is mainly for kindergarten and small groups.
Enrollment: 3 years old - Small Group: 7 students 2 years old - under 3 years old Kindergarten: 23 students.
Stage 1 registration quota - smallClasses: 7, Kindergarten: 17
The first phase of the priority list has been completed and announced on March 7 atRenhe WebsiteThe
Enrollment - Primary Class: 7, Kindergarten: 17
Phase II (General): March 10, 114, 10:00 a.m. to March 12, 5:00 p.m. Registration: 2 years old and under 3 years old - (Kindergarten) 6 persons