Single Stick Game

When the children will autonomously play sports games are foot sports games, such as walking, running, jumping and so on these actions to constitute, but the single lever is the need to feet off the ground with the strength of the hands to support the weight of the body, or with the stomach and feet to support, when the feet off the ground the body in the air, which is the first time contact with the children, the body and mind will feel uneasy and fear, I think for the height of the children of kindergarten. I think for the height of kindergarten children, it is more suitable to lower the height of the bar to 70 centimeters, and the soft cushion must be placed under the single lever in case the child lets go of it, and will not be afraid.

For children in middle school, if they stand in front of the bar and raise their heels, their navels will be as high as the bar, so it will be easy for them to roll over when their hands are tightly gripped, their heads tilted forward, and their centers of gravity forward. When the child is rolling over, the teacher who is instructing the child must be very careful, and the child's hands must hold the bar tightly or help to hold it together, as it is very important for the child's safety.

You can get it from a single lever game:

  1. Balance sensory rhythms with time-sensitive tuning forces.
  2. Develops the joint muscles of the back, chest and shoulders.
  3. Because of the many changes in the air, it can stimulate the central nervous system.

Only a single lever can suspend the body in the air The body is suspended in the air

For toddlers, the game is a sport where they can gain a sense of adventure, exploration, courage, and the desire to work hard and be decisive.

500 Examples of Physical Games for Toddlers
500 Examples of Physical Games for Toddlers - Theory
500 Examples of Physical Fitness Games for Toddlers - Practical Examples
Sweaty Large Muscle Physical Activity: Labeling*
Indoor Physical Activity: Labeling ◎

⮐ Return to the "500 Examples of Physical Play for Toddlers" Catalog

Author:Hong Nanhai, Taiwan (Founder of Renhe Kindergarten in Tainan City, secondary school physical education teacher, invested in early childhood education in Tainan for decades, one of the pioneers of soccer in Taiwan; had beenExpedition to Koshien on behalf of Taiwan)

© 2024 | Copyright: This book was written by the late Mr. Hung Hai Nan forPromote the physical fitness of young children in Taiwan, make reference to the advancement of kindergarten education, and synthesize decades of experience in the field of their own kindergarten education.To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of Renhe and Mr. Hong Nanhai, the full text of this book is scanned on the Internet, "free" for all early childhood educators and parents to refer to, as long as it is not for sale or other commercial activities, you are welcome to use and share it, if you share it through the website, please add it in the webpage that you share or quote."Link to "500 Examples of Physical Fitness Games for Young ChildrenThank you.

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