When the body moves during sports play, the child's nerves transmit this stimulus to the brain, which activates the brain:
- Stimulate the power of action - Instantaneous muscular explosions (muscular and neurological) training.
- Sustained strength of action - whole body endurance, sinew endurance, (joints and circulatory system)
- Action correct strength a conditioning, agility, balance, skill, (muscle & neural system) enhancement.
- The power to stabilize the action - the flexibility of the body, (joints and muscles).
The movement of the human body starts from the brain through the spinal cord in the spine to the endings of the limbs, so through the stimulation of sports, it can help the development of the brain. Generally speaking, reading at home will only stimulate one-way thinking activities, while sports games are bi-directional activities between the brain and the limbs, especially in the early childhood, the development of his neural system, by the age of one year old, has developed when he was born. Therefore, it is important to let the toddler do sports and games early to help his brain development.
- Development of force-adjustment-centered motor functions
However, in the various stages of development of young children, there are parts that are more suitable for development at that time, and there are also parts that are not suitable for development at that time. If we fail to grasp the appropriate stage to develop the appropriate function, not only will the effect be poor, but it will also inhibit the development of other functions, so we can grasp the optimal time for each stage of development of young children, and give the most appropriate stimulation is the basic principle of development. Therefore, it is a basic principle of development to grasp the optimal time for each stage of development and give the most appropriate stimulation to children. How can we seize the most appropriate time for our children? We have to observe what the child will do during motor play (i.e., the principle of spontaneous use), and observe the games that he is most interested in to find out what he likes. We can then provide appropriate stimulation to the games that he is most interested in, so that he can develop according to his interests. As we all know, the games that toddlers like, i.e. running, climbing, jumping, swinging, sliding, ball games, etc., can train toddlers' agility, balance, and skillful adjustment (internal/external stimulation) to stimulate rational nerve and muscle coordination, resulting in a part of the body, or the whole body's ability to operate at will, which is the majority of the sports games, so during this period of development of toddlers' various functionalities, all the functionalities can be fully stimulated. Therefore, during this period of development, it is necessary to stimulate all the functions of the child. It is necessary to stimulate all the functions during this period of children's development.The development of Richard Scammon's body functions after birth.Knowing that the body's nervous system develops fastest after birth, it is advisable to stimulate it with sports games related to it. - The Foundation of Life - Early Childhood
The life of a person is compared to a building, the early childhood is the foundation work, so the foundation should be deep, wide and solid, so that the building above it can be built high. If the foundation is not well constructed, it may not be obvious in the lower floors, but when it reaches the upper floors, the foundation will not be able to withstand the pressure above it, so the building will tilt and the construction work will have to be terminated, and in the event of a typhoon or an earthquake, the building may topple over or split apart.
Some parents have placed their hopes on their next generation for their own unfulfilled wishes, and are therefore very eager to build a building on top of the sandy soil on which the steaming works have not yet been completed, and so they often fail to achieve their goal, for the only way to achieve it is to consolidate the foundation works before the building can be erected.
- Stimulation and development
Most young children are born with the potential to become intellectual or athletic geniuses, but they must be given the proper stimulation to realize their potential, and the method and manner of stimulation, and where the stimulation is given, is what we need to consider.
According toGerman theologian Paul FlechsigThe smaller the number of areas marked on the brain map, the earlier the area can be medullated and stimulated, and the earlier it can develop. We know that the motor sensory area of the brain is the earliest area to develop, and its medullation is also the fastest, so in the early childhood, the development of the motor sensory area should be the focus of the development.
If we do not take into account that the development of young children has a stage, and the abstract thinking, or the need to judge the wisdom of education, to force young children to learn, in the early childhood has not yet been differentiated and developed the parts of the brain cells to stimulate, like in the not fully packaged, well insulated wires to the electricity, then it will cause leakage or a short-circuit, therefore, in the early childhood, the earliest development of the completion of the development of the motor-sensory area to develop.
- Methods of Stimulation - Quality and Quantity
The development of the motor and sensory areas of young children must be stimulated in the right way. If there is an excellent music teacher, young children will be interested in music and will be able to have a marvelous ensemble, and if there is a talented teacher who is interested in sports, young children will be interested in sports and will be able to make a high level of skill, and it is most important for young children to have a good development and good quality of teaching at the initial stage.
For the area to be developed, there must be a certain direction and repetitive stimulation in order to be immobilized (i.e., the production of neural circuits), so that brain cells stimulated in a certain direction and repetitive stimulation can produce traces, i.e., fidelity substances can be secreted, and at the same time, can be medullary, suggesting that the stimulation can be carried out in a certain line without any confusion, and that the development of motor and sensory areas of the infant must be done correctly, i.e., with a certain direction and repeated stimulation, the transmission neural circuits can be fixed. For the development of motor and sensory areas in young children, it is necessary to stimulate in a certain direction and repetitively in order to fix the neural circuits.
- The best sports games are the ones that keep toddlers hooked on the excitement!
In fact, what kind of games can make the motor function area and sensory function area of the brain of young children, by the most appropriate stimulation, that is to make young children fascinated by sports games, when children are fascinated by the game, he will be fully concentrated, the brain will be full of thinking, then the brain cells are divided into secret excitatory substances and inhibitory substances, the two communicate with each other, the power of thinking; judgment; and creativity can be developed.
At the same time in serious play, young children's (thinking; judgment; and the source of creation) data collection of the somatosensory area, that is, the visual area; the auditory area will also be stimulated, sensory functions (skin sensation; deep sensation; balance sensation: visual sensation: auditory sensation), motor functions (muscles; nerves; heart; lungs) can also be greatly developed, after exercise can eat well and sleep well.