Child Care Safety Competency Assessment

The purpose of this self-assessment is to measure the adequacy of the child's movement and control for his/her own safety.

20-1 雙手支持身體測驗
20-1 Two Handed Support Physical Test

Preparation: two tables/sturdy benches, code meter

Method: Two tables are about shoulder-width apart, the child stands in the center of the table, hands pressed straight down on the table, and feet bent in the air; note, please make sure that the table is fixed and does not shake.

Score (the longer the time, the better the staying power):

  • 4 years old: 20 seconds
  • 5 years old: 30 seconds
20-2 敏捷性:避球測驗
20-2 Agility: Ball Dodge Test

Ready: volleyball, skateboarding

Method: The teacher rolls the ball down from point A. At this time, the children standing underneath jump away to the left or right without touching the ball with their feet.


  • A 1.5 meters | foot touch - to work hard
  • B 1 meter | Not touching feet - Normal
  • C 0.5 meters | not touching feet - good
20-3 橫跳測驗
20-3 Horizontal Jump Test

Preparation: A 20cmX30cm rectangular piece of paper on the floor.

Method: feet together, stand on the left side of the paper, and then feet into the leap, move to the right side, and jump back to the left side!

Score (how many times can you do it in ten seconds):

  • 1-3 times | Effort
  • 4-6 times | General
  • More than 7 times | Good
20-4 柔軟性測驗
20-4 Flexibility Test

Preparation: about 80cm long light rod on the rod 30cm, 50cm, 70cm mark as shown in the picture

Method: First sit on the floor with your hands straight in front of you and hold the bar at 30cm and cross the bar with your feet, after practicing, move your hands to 50cm and 70cm.


  • 30cm | Work hard
  • 50cm | Regular
  • 70cm | Good
20-5 凌波舞測驗
20-5 Dance Test

Preparation:Bamboo stick, shelf, mat

Method: Open both feet, lean back as much as possible, don't touch the bar, but over the crossbar.


  • Neck | Efforts to be made
  • Chest | General
  • Abdomen | Good
20-6 瞬間爆發力的測驗 單腳跳
20-6 Test of Instantaneous Explosive Power One Legged Jumps

Preparation: Draw two parallel lines 5 meters apart.

Method: Stand on one foot at the starting point and see how many steps you need to jump to reach the set distance.

Score (fewer steps means better instantaneous power):

  • More than 11 steps | Work hard
  • 8-10 steps | General
  • Less than 7 steps | Good
20-7 平衡機能的測驗
20-7 Tests of Equilibrium Functions

Preparation: Chronograph

Methods: stand on the ground with one foot, eyes on the thighs of the feet, not on the ground, then lifted to the ground, into a horizontal state, not on the ground, to see how long it lasts. Note: In the flat floor to do the height of the lifted leg as far as possible into a straight line.

Score (longer time means better balance):

  • 1-3 seconds | To try
  • 4-7 seconds | Normal
  • 8 seconds or more.
20-8 Persistent Tests
Preparation:bars, stopwatches, cushions
Method: Have the child hold the bar tightly with two or one hand; keep both feet off the ground and see how long it lasts.


  • 4 years old with hands | 60 seconds
  • 4 years old one-handed | 3 seconds
  • 5 year old hands | 80 seconds
  • 5 years old one hand | 5 seconds
20-9 立定跳遠的測驗
20-9 Vertical jump test
Preparation: pad; cloth ruler: measuring stick; or graduated stick

Method: Slightly open the feet, squat and jump forward, with the swing of the hands

Scoring (distance jumped):
  • Toe to forehead length | Work hard.
  • Toe-to-Top Length | General
  • Length from toe to top of head | Good
500 Examples of Physical Games for Toddlers
500 Examples of Physical Games for Toddlers - Theory
500 Examples of Physical Fitness Games for Toddlers - Practical Examples
Sweaty Large Muscle Physical Activity: Labeling*
Indoor Physical Activity: Labeling ◎

⮐ Return to the "500 Examples of Physical Play for Toddlers" Catalog

Author:Hong Nanhai, Taiwan (Founder of Renhe Kindergarten in Tainan City, secondary school physical education teacher, invested in early childhood education in Tainan for decades, one of the pioneers of soccer in Taiwan; had beenExpedition to Koshien on behalf of Taiwan)

© 2024 | Copyright: This book was written by the late Mr. Hung Hai Nan forPromote the physical fitness of young children in Taiwan, make reference to the advancement of kindergarten education, and synthesize decades of experience in the field of their own kindergarten education.To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the founding of Renhe and Mr. Hong Nanhai, the full text of this book is scanned on the Internet, "free" for all early childhood educators and parents to refer to, as long as it is not for sale or other commercial activities, you are welcome to use and share it, if you share it through the website, please add it in the webpage that you share or quote."Link to "500 Examples of Physical Fitness Games for Young ChildrenThank you.

If you have any pointers or ECE experiences to share, 歡迎留言或透過電子郵件info@jenher.com聯絡我們.