Message from the Director August 14

"The sky is full of unpredictable storms, and people have their own misfortunes." In less than a week, the Southern Taiwan area has been hit hard by Typhoon Morakot's tremendous rainfall, causing severe damage to coastal, low-lying and mountainous villages in Chiayi, Tainan, Kaohsiung, Pingtung, and Taitung counties, and even entire villages have been hit by mudslides, land erosion, washed away houses, broken bridges and destroyed roads, and there has been devastation everywhere, with many people losing their lives and possessions or becoming orphans, widows and widowers, or refugees with no home to return to and no food to eat. Many people lost their lives and properties, or became orphans, widows and widowers, or refugees with no home or food to eat. The images shown on television are horrifying and saddening. The earthquake of September 21 ten years ago is still fresh in our minds, and the flooding of August 8 this time is even more frightening. I remembered that last Thursday afternoon, when Jun's mom came to pick him up, she said, "A typhoon is coming, will we have a typhoon holiday tomorrow? I said: the weather is so good, no wind and no rain, it should not be! That night, as time went by and the rain and wind got heavier and heavier, I heard on TV at around 10pm that the whole of Taiwan was on a typhoon holiday on Friday, so I immediately notified the teachers and parents of the holiday. I thought, "It's great to have an extra day of typhoon vacation.
I thought it would be fine, but after Morakot came to Taiwan, it moved at a slow speed and stayed in Taiwan, and the southwesterly airflow brought by Morakot rained incessantly for two days, causing the biggest disaster in 50 years. Not long ago, Kady, the conservation leader, reminded the children of the long drought and the lack of water in the reservoirs, and that they should conserve water and not waste it. It is ironic that the flooding is still going on. Not only that, but the rainwater mixed with soil and rocks caused sewage, high turbidity in Nanhua Reservoir, the water supply in the Greater Tainan area was cut off for nearly a week without warning, causing inconvenience, no water for cooking, no cleaning at home, no washing of dirty clothes, no bathing, etc. The lack of water alone was too much to bear for all of us, not to mention the people who suffered from the disaster. Luckily, the kindergarten has several water towers, so it's no problem to cook lunch and snacks; there's also underground water that can be used for washing hands and flushing toilets.
This typhoon, the garden did not suffer much damage, only posted on the wall of the activity room of the paper, photos were blown off, the small windmill was blown off, and therefore I am grateful, and even more admiring Chairman Hong when he founded the garden in the planning of the garden, the drainage system and other engineering design, have a comprehensive and rainy day preparations, and at this moment reminds me of his exhortation to "look ahead, think ahead," to do anything to have a long-term plan, practical, not just do to cope with the immediate future. You can't just do what's in front of you.
Thursday's character education story time, Cherry's mom used the picture files of the disaster caused by the flooding to explore with the children through the screen, looking at the shocking and heartbreaking pictures, the children watched and listened attentively to the teacher's explanations, and expressed their views in a timely manner, although they don't understand and can't understand, but we can't not tell them just because we don't understand, so that children only know how to eat, drink, and play to lead a good life. We must realize that children are the masters of tomorrow's society. Behind the disaster is the problem - cherish the land, pay attention to water resources, the forest is the hometown of water - do not over cultivation, over logging, and be a good steward of the earth, which is a heavy responsibility entrusted by God to mankind.
The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 12:36, "If one member suffers, all the members suffer together. Let's pray, pray, and give to these suffering people with one heart, and let's show our hearts that others are hungry and others are drowning.
Wish you peace and happiness, Mandy.

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