Tag: 臺南公園

Getting to know the environment Getting to know Tainan

Whenever parents visit the garden, the first thing they often say is, "Wow, it's so spacious, you can't tell from the outside, it's so spacious and cozy." After entering the garden, the first thing that catches our eyes is the small flower garden, and as we walk inside, there is a large grass field, full of greenery. In the grass field, children can chase, play and kick the ball, and it can also relieve their tired eyes. However, grass has life and needs regular maintenance. Recently, the grass has been moisturized by the rain and has been growing particularly fast, so it is necessary to cut the growing grass early.

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Words from the Park Director - Tainan Park Centennial

學期初規劃行事曆時,搜尋市府網站,沒有往年百花季的訊息,卻查詢到台南公園今年6月百周年的消息,因此決定於學期初安排小朋友參觀台南公園。 於本週二、週四,分批搭車前往參觀百歲公園,這個在台南人的記憶中,已漸漸淡忘的公園。 孩子們在老師的帶領下,踏著輕鬆的腳步,漫步在諾大的公園裡,在地圖的指引下,沿途欣

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