Tag: 腸病毒

【親子教養篇】 認識腸病毒

●為什麼會叫做腸病毒呢?他會被叫做「腸病毒」的原因是因為腸病毒會較長時間聚居在人類的胃腸道黏膜生長繁殖,所以,他不是因為會讓你拉肚子、嘔吐等胃腸疾病才被叫做「腸」病毒。 ●傳染的途徑?※經由接觸病患的口鼻分泌物、飛沫及皮膚上的潰瘍的水泡及糞便。 ●會有那些徵狀呢?※手足口症:徵狀發燒,出現小水泡及紅

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Parenting] Preventive Measures for Common Early Childhood Diseases in Fall and Winter

"Influenza" is characterized by sudden onset of high fever, headache, body aches, fatigue and inflammation of the respiratory tract, cough and sore throat. Preventive measures: Drink plenty of water, rest, rinse your nose when you come back from outside, pay attention to ventilation, exercise and eat foods rich in vitamins. "Diarrhea" - caused by rotavirus, which is highly contagious. Preventive measures: Pay attention to food hygiene in the home, sterilize tableware, and minimize snacks and meals at food stalls during the period of intestinal infections. In addition

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Message from the Campus Director - Disaster Preparedness Drills

Due to the National Disaster Preparedness Day on September 21st, every year, the Education Bureau will arrange two drills in addition to the drill on that day. In Tuesday's earthquake drill, in addition to teacher Wen Lu's morning light time earthquake advocacy, the principal also used the children's song "The earth's crust is stretching out, the house is shaking from side to side, turn off the power first, crouch down and hide in the corner" to lead the children to chant and do the movements. The children were led to chant and do actions to understand how to face an earthquake and deepen their impression.

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【親子教養篇】 預防腸病毒【正確使用漂白水消毒方法及注意事項】

一、正確使用漂白水消毒方法 基本步驟:「穿、稀、擦、停、沖、 棄」六步驟 : (一)「穿」:穿上圍裙、戴上口罩及手套,保護雙手。 (二) 「稀」:確實按包裝標示稀釋漂白水,以免洗湯匙一湯匙(約 15-20CC)的市售漂白水加入 10 公升的自來水(大瓶保特瓶每瓶 1250CC,8 瓶約 10 公升)

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園長的話 – 養成自我保健好習慣

夏天,是腸病毒流行的高峰期,稍一疏忽,病毒可就入侵了,真是疏忽不得。 針對腸病毒的預防,教育局學輔校安科,每週最少都有一張簽收公文,提醒校園要做好預防措施,落實定期環境清潔及重點消毒、洗手設備之維護、幼學童健康管理、群聚感染處理,加強宣導幼學童注意個人衛生習慣,落實「生病不上學」的觀念,生病時盡量在

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Parenting】 Enterovirus prevention and health care

(一)腸病毒的傳染力極強,但可透過簡單的衛生保健動作,有效降低感染的機會 (二)腸病毒的預防方法: 1.勤洗手,養成良好的個人衛生習慣。2.均衡飲食、適度運動及充足睡眠,以提昇免疫力。3.生病時,應儘速就醫,請假在家多休息。4.注意居家環境的衛生清潔及通風。5.流行期間,避免出入人潮擁擠,空氣不流通

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A word from the gardener - preventing enterovirus is easy!

After the vacation, on Monday school day, three children in the class reported that they were suffering from enterovirus. Luckily, they were in different classes; otherwise, if there were two children in the same class, the class would have to be suspended and the vacation would continue! Suspension of classes and vacations should cause some family distress, which we should not be happy to see happen; however, it is important that families, parents, teachers, and students work together to prevent this. The way to prevent enterovirus is actually very simple, that is, to develop good hygiene habits and environmental cleanliness; the most important of good hygiene habits is to wash your hands frequently.

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親子教養 – 腸病毒防治措施及衛教宣導事項

 一、流行季節:全年都有感染個案,一般以4月至9月為流行期,病例較多。 二、潛伏期:2至10天(平均3至5天)。 三、傳染力及傳染期間:發病前幾天即具有傳染力,發病後一週內傳染力最強。 四、症狀: (一) 大多數腸病毒感染者,可能出現類似一般感冒的輕微症狀,甚至沒有症狀。 (二) 疱疹性咽

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園長的話 – 可惜的戶外參觀

雨斷斷續續的下著,時而出太陽,時而下著雨,捉摸不定,此刻豔陽高照,不一會兒烏雲又密布。 週二下午的雨連著一整夜,到週三一整天不停歇,大人、小孩都問:「明天奇美博物館的行程取消還是照常?」會不會下雨,不知,很難下決定耶,只能週四早再決定。 為此整夜難眠,不時的往外看;感謝,到了清晨六點都沒下雨,不過天

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96年10月15日將「腸病毒感染併發重症」列為「傳染病防治法」規定之第三類傳染病。腸病毒感染為幼兒常見的疾病,腸病毒指的是一群病毒,包含小兒麻痺病毒、克沙奇病毒、伊科病毒及腸病毒等種類,每一個種類還可分為多種型別,總共有數十種以上。 目前小兒麻痺病毒已經在台灣根除,腸病毒病人都是感染其他腸病毒造成,

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