Tag: 福祿貝爾

幼兒體能遊戲 - 巡迴遊戲

The spirit of a good gardener.

After briefly sharing the origin of Arbor Day on March 12, I asked, "Why do we have Arbor Day? Why do we plant trees and flowers?" "To make the air nice, to make it cooler, to make the environment beautiful, to make the earth more beautiful." "What would the environment be like if there were no flowers and trees in the kindergarten?" The scene was silent and the children seemed to be seriously thinking about a garden without flowers, plants and trees. As the spring flowers bloom, it is a good time to plant trees to reduce the greenhouse effect, save energy and reduce carbon emissions.

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【親子教養篇】 仁和幼兒園辦學理念

仁和之意:「仁和」→兩人以上謂仁,和乃和平,以人際關係做前提,具有:  福祿貝爾先生好園丁的精神:老師好比園丁,以愛心、耐心來照顧幼兒,從「人性教育」為出發點,讓孩子在自我逐漸摸索、學習中,了解自身的能力與潛力。  蒙特梭利蝸牛的精神:尊重兒童,以兒童為中心,把握兒童的敏感期,融

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