Tag: 玩沙

Sand Play

After the morning light activity time, when the music of cleaning up sounded, the children playing in the sand field, one by one, put their own equipment back to its original place, fish through the field, and then go to the washbasin to wash their hands, dry, and then put on the bibs with the cooperation of the two of them, the skilled SOP process and action, even the children of the kindergarten class are no exception. Renhe's sand center is the king of popularity. There is business right after the door opens, and sometimes there are even people knocking on the door. The founder once said, "When you open the door, you need to be alive!

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您的寶貝是否已經有過玩沙經驗了呢?您對於孩子玩沙的想法是支持還是反對呢?事實上,對於只要有玩過沙的小小孩來說,「沙子」真的一股神奇的魔力,讓人百玩不厭,玩過了一定會還想再玩,而且玩沙 的好處真的好多呢! 好處1:提供觸覺經驗,提升感覺統合-「皮膚」是人體最大的器官,當人類還處於胚胎期時,我們的大腦和

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