Tag: 母語教學

Message from the Director - Language is a tool for communication and cultural transmission.

"Lessons are really fun, drawings, dances, songs and poems, read the book and learn the truth, everyone has a good teaching." The children chanted in unison, asking, "What is real fun in class? Classes are fun; reading the book seriously? It means to read the book seriously; and "everyone praises"? The number of children who could answer this question was very small, and Seung Seong was one of them who asked, "How do you know that? How do I know? Because my mom teaches me at home. There are no shortcuts to language learning, only through constant practice.

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Parenting] Mother's Language Day

Taiwan's Ministry of Education announced in May of 2006 the implementation of "Taiwan's Mother Tongue Day" starting from the 95th school year, stipulating that each school set one day a week as the Mother Tongue Day, and encouraging the use of one's own mother tongue on that day, whether it is during class, raising and lowering of flags, official broadcasts, or between teachers and students, or between students and faculty members. Language is the most powerful tool for the preservation and development of the tangible and intangible heritage of mankind. Campaigns to promote the spread of mother tongues not only contribute to linguistic diversity and multilingual education, but also to the development of the mother tongue.

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Words from the Director - Learning into Action

"Thanks to the outdoor instructors from the Disaster Prevention Education Center, who reminded me to take them there again and again after I got home, and taught me a lot of things about disaster preparedness." "After the training at the Disaster Prevention Education Center, Rui Lun went home and checked the alarms and said she had to turn off the gas when she went out, a small sense of disaster prevention has been built up in her heart." Ms. Linn said, "The earthquake house shook horribly, up and down, left and right; we also discussed the tsunami caused by the 311 earthquake in Japan.

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世界母語日定為每年的2月21日,由聯合國教育、科學及文化組織於1999年提出倡議,從2000年起,每年的2月21日為國際母語日。目標是向全球宣傳保護語言的重要,促進母語傳播的運動,避免地球大部分語言的消失。 1948年,巴基斯坦政府把烏爾都語作為巴基斯坦唯一的官方語言,引發了東巴基斯坦民眾的抗議。在

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A word from the head gardener - we'll work together to prevent epidemics.

Due to the feverishness of the pneumonia epidemic in Wuhan and the start of the school year at all levels, everyone was on tenterhooks to take precautions against the epidemic; the school environment, classroom cleaning, wiping down door handles, desktops, chairs, floors, and so on, were not sloppy at all in order to provide students with a clean and safe learning environment; and the students were asked to take their body temperature every day at home before school and be excused from home if it exceeded 37 degrees. If their body temperature exceeds 37 degrees, they will be required to take a vacation at home; those who traveled back from countries with fever outbreaks will be required to take a vacation at home, regardless of where they traveled.

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Message from the Director - Mother Tongue Teaching and Dragon Boat Festival

  "Hello, I'm Yen-Chi Wu, and my name is KFC..." (Taiwanese) "Hello, I'm Yen-Chi Wang from Pipe..." (Taiwanese) Wednesday's Taiwanese Storytelling Contest saw the Washington family and the Berkeley family send two of their own "之", and their introductions to the stage were so impressive, it's hard to not remember them! Each of the Upper and Middle School classes sent two participants, and there was only one participant from Mozart. Each participant came prepared and was able to speak fluently when they took the stage.

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【親子教養篇】 台灣本土母語,瀕臨危機,能否傳承給後代子孫?

不久前,哥倫比亞大學語言學教授麥克霍特(John McWhorter),在「華爾街日報」撰文預測,2115年地球上的語言,將由目前的6000種,銳減至600種,百分之九十的語言100年後會消失,幾乎每週就有一種語言要銷聲匿跡! 麥克霍特的預測,確實讓我們對台灣原住民的語言,甚至福佬、客家語,未來是否

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Message from the Director - Five Days Festival

"On the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, we tie meat dumplings, and on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month, we race dragon boats to win the championship. Eat the meat dumplings and watch the dragon boat. Adults and children are laughing." Take the test, go ahead! I speak Taiwanese, you speak Chinese. "Five Days Festival?" "Dragon Boat Festival." "Meat dumplings?" "Rice Dumplings", "Dragon Boat Rowing", "Pork Dumplings". "Rowing the dragon boat." "Meat dumplings are delicious." "Meat dumplings are tasty and fragrant." "Racing for the championship in the dragon boat race?" "Row the dragon boat and win the championship." "Eat meat dumplings?" "Eat meat dumplings";

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