Tag: 林哲瑄

Message from the Director - Children's Wishes

On November 16th, the Chinese team played against Australia in the Sixth Round of the Second World Series of Twelve Baseball 2019. The two teams were deadlocked at one game apiece, but in the eighth inning, China's Felix Lin scored four runs on a three-run homerun to beat Australia by five runs to one in the final inning, which was really exciting, and it's a win for everyone, but for Felix's daughter, Yummy Jo, it's a birthday wish come true. We are very happy for her. At the beginning of every month, the kindergarten will hold

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園長的話 – 在WBC經典賽之後

代表中華隊參加WBC經典賽的仁和校友林哲瑄 圖片來源: Yahoo奇摩 哲瑄小時候在仁和運動會跳箱的照片 圖片來源: 蘋果日報 最近才剛結束的2013年世界棒球經典賽,中華隊雖然沒有打進決賽,但初賽和日本隊、韓國隊之間的緊張對決,令很多人都感受到中華隊的拼勁和努力,特別是和日本隊的比賽,雙方在球場上

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園長的話 – 潛力

在仁和運動會上跳箱的小男孩 – 林哲瑄; 圖: 蘋果日報 本週分享的事非「春季旅遊~頑皮之行」莫屬了。原本擔心天氣太熱,出遊孩子們會受不了的,沒想到我們的擔心神聽到了,星期二賜給我們一個多雲有雨的天氣,陰陰的沒下雨,涼爽舒適,很適合出遊,一整個早上的行程很順暢,孩子們在老師與同行家長的帶

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