Tag: 晨光積木時間

The Charm of Building Blocks

On April 18th, we held a sharing competition for block observation. Each class first held a preliminary competition and then sent representatives to participate in the competition. On that day, all the children who participated in the sharing competition brought their own blocks to the activity room. After everyone was ready, the principal announced the theme of the competition, which was the tamest AI robot at the moment. After listening to the announcement, the children immediately immersed themselves in the world of blocks, and quietly and seriously worked on the assembling of their own robot, and soon after, one by one, the robot was produced one after another!

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臺南市仁和幼兒園 消防宣導 消防車

How to understand your child's words

One day, during the morning light, there was a child crying, and when I heard someone say that her mouth was bleeding, I immediately went to find out what happened, only to see that the teacher had quickly taken the injured girl to the health care center to treat the wound and to contact the parents. Whenever an injury occurs, the principal will go to find out why it happened, and this time was no exception...

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【親子教養篇】 解析積木的 6 大好處,父母引導是關鍵

三歲以前是大腦的發育黃金期,積木不僅好玩,它對孩子的身心發育有全方位的好處。 生理上的好處-6個月的孩子就可以玩積木了,只是把兩塊積木拼在一起對他們來說可能很難,但是沒關係,爸媽們陪他們把積木拿起、放下、搭建,這可以同時促進大肌肉運動技能和小肌肉的精細運動技能 (如手指和腕關節),還能促進手眼協調能

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A Word from the Head Gardener - Dental Care and Building Block Time

The semi-annual dental fluoride service was held on Wednesday. Due to the safety of epidemic prevention, transportation and time considerations, we invited a dentist to come to the school to serve the children. We are grateful to Dr. Lu and Dr. Lin for leading their team of seven dentists to come to the kindergarten to provide fluoride service for the children. The children were led by the teachers to do the fluoride application one by one in an orderly manner, and finally, through the video, we did the hygiene promotion and the prize quiz. The answers to the questions posed by the nurse were in the video, and the children were able to answer the questions in a serious manner.

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園長的話 – 從小事著手培養準時好習慣

多姿多采的幼兒園生活,吸引著小朋友來園的動力,也豐富了他們的學習經驗。 每天早上8:00到8:45分的晨光時間~週一故事與遊戲,週二大肌肉體能遊戲,週三積木遊戲,週四跳箱與玩沙遊戲,週五玩沙、騎車、踢球與遊戲場時間等;小朋友們把握並珍惜,活動場地門庭若市,小孩們依序排隊或坐滿,熱鬧非凡。小朋友知道、

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園長的話 – 樂在積木


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