Tag: 學習領域 – 語文

幼幼班 晨間循環運動 平衡木 翹翹板

Creating your child's language database with children's songs

"Enterovirus Co out-Summer is over, fall is here, and enterovirus is here. Wash your hands properly and wear a mask, then you'll be healthy." Wash your hands properly and germs won't get in." With their strong memory, children can not only recite the hygiene song for preventing enteroviruses, but also implement it at the seven times of hand-washing: before eating, after going to the toilet, after playing, before holding the baby, after going home, before and after visiting the doctor, and after blowing their noses.

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How to develop the concept of time in young children

As the earth revolves around the sun, it is already the end of October, and there are still two months to go before we say goodbye to the year 2024 and prepare for the arrival of the new year 2025. Children between the ages of 3 and 6 are not yet mature in their concept of time, and have no sense of the passage of time. At first, they will use a larger unit, "day", to calculate, and today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow are the same every day in their little minds. Use the morning light to gather time, use the calendar, digital clock and children together.

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Spring Travel and Annotated Instruction

週三春季旅遊戶外教學,以喜樂的心,帶領全園師生、家長,搭乘遊覽車,前往位於高雄的科學工藝館。 當天,天氣是cloudy day,陰陰涼涼的,是出遊的好日子。無法預料的天氣,在出發前二天,玥玥老師問園長:會不會擔心下雨?園長很有信心的說「不會啊,因我不是富戶家(念台語),天氣陰陰的旅遊最好了,且在室內

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臺南市仁和幼兒園 消防宣導 消防車

How to understand your child's words

One day, during the morning light, there was a child crying, and when I heard someone say that her mouth was bleeding, I immediately went to find out what happened, only to see that the teacher had quickly taken the injured girl to the health care center to treat the wound and to contact the parents. Whenever an injury occurs, the principal will go to find out why it happened, and this time was no exception...

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Why do children talk to themselves?

Self-talk is not a bad thing. The process of talking to oneself can help a child to think, to focus, and can lead to improved performance. Children use self-talk to help them think Young children's ability to think is both "social" and "external" in nature as they begin to develop. At an early age, children need to rely on parents and other adults to teach them and to follow the rules set by adults in order to develop good behavior, which is called "social".

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Benefits of Exercise in Early Childhood

0~6 years old is the most rapid development of the nervous system of the brain. The physical experience and motor stimulation of the child at this stage will often become the child's long-term memory, which will affect him throughout his life. Exercise is beneficial to a child's physical and mental development in the following ways: 1. Exercise promotes brain integration As the study of brain science becomes more and more obvious, the definition of exercise has also been rewritten. In the past, the notion that children who love to exercise are "simple in head and developed in limbs" has been completely reversed. In fact, the more

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您的寶貝是否已經有過玩沙經驗了呢?您對於孩子玩沙的想法是支持還是反對呢?事實上,對於只要有玩過沙的小小孩來說,「沙子」真的一股神奇的魔力,讓人百玩不厭,玩過了一定會還想再玩,而且玩沙 的好處真的好多呢! 好處1:提供觸覺經驗,提升感覺統合-「皮膚」是人體最大的器官,當人類還處於胚胎期時,我們的大腦和

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長期戴口罩 影響幼兒社交學習

疫情期間外界笑稱「口罩上身、顏值飆升」,至今室內口罩解禁,仍有不少民眾因此不願脫罩。 「口罩遮三醜」其實有科學根據,英國卡迪夫大學心理學院去年完成一份研究報告,發現無論男女,戴口罩後都被認為更好看,主持研究的臉部專家路易斯說,口罩將人們的注意力轉移到眼睛上,而大腦會填補缺失的空白並誇大整體影響。 不

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歷史上第一次用生命捍衛母語的「孟加拉語言運動」 「語言」對許多人而言可能不過是工具,但它承載了文化中最表象也最核心的部分,因此自古以來,要消滅一個文化最便捷的方式,就是從語言下手。 時間來到1947年。那年,英國將勢力撤出印度殖民地,當地因為宗教不同而分為印度與巴基斯坦兩國,當時的巴基斯坦就像印度上

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不要!不要!孩子,你到底要什麼? 2歲開始幼兒叛逆期

2、3歲,到底在不要什麼?爸媽等了半天的語言,竟然等到一堆「不要」,有時教到快起肖,我來照樣造句,告訴你,他們在不要什麼~ 不要打破我的順序 不要剝奪我好奇探險  不要以為我還小 不要用情緒教我 不要一直叫我守規距 不要一直叫我吃飯 不要什麼都聽你的 不要只有這麼少 不要一直問我 不要,真

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