Tag: 學習領域 – 情緒

What is more important than knowledge?

I had the opportunity to chat and share with a parent from China about her child's adjustment at Renhe, and to learn more about the situation of kindergartens in China. The parent said that her child attended a public kindergarten, where all they did was play every day, but it was different at Renhe, where there were big muscle activities and diversified learning, which was more enriching, and her child was very happy and joyful every day. Playing is a child's vocation. Children who grow up playing, have many playmates, and often play outdoors can develop the basic skills of interpersonal interaction.

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Gratitude is the source of inner happiness.

快樂常常來自於很小的事,無論是下午茶的可口甜點或是晚餐的美味佳餚,都會令人心情愉悅﹗只不過這樣子的快樂往往很短暫,轉瞬即逝。 一個人對於快樂的看法,決定著自己的內心是否平靜與喜樂。我們的這顆心,就是點亮快樂的明燈。 懂得「感恩」正是內心快樂的泉源。感恩能豐富精神層次,富足心靈快樂、幸福,有如和煦陽光

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Patiently Waiting for the Remedy of Time

With the start of a new semester and a new atmosphere, we welcome your child to join our outstanding kindergarten, which is dedicated to operating and educating children with the heart of the child, accompanying them on the road of growth, active under the bright sunshine, having a healthy body and mind, and establishing the foundation of good character and good habits. For children who are leaving their families for the first time and entering a kindergarten, it is not an easy task, as they have to face unfamiliar people and things alone, and they are looking forward to the future.

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What is the most effective age to teach emotional control?

洪蘭:從幼兒期就要開始,5歲壞習慣已養成,就來不及改了 在台灣,有檢察官帶警察到幼兒園去審問小朋友。大人本來應該是孩子行為的榜樣,想不到反而更衝動,更沒有理智。 大腦研究顯示,人的情緒是由自己控制的,而情緒控制的教育更要從小開始。研究發現,5歲壞習慣已養成,就來不及改了。 孩子需要在一個情緒上感到安

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對於畢業與離別,每個孩子的感受大不同, 有人哭到淚眼汪汪,也有人無動於衷, 過與不及,都需要爸爸、媽媽引導他們適當的表達情緒。「畢業」對於孩子來說,有點懵懵懂懂的,特別是第一次要參加幼兒園哥哥、姐姐的畢業典禮的孩子,還不懂得珍重再見的感受。情緒,會因為欲望、信念、經驗不同而有所不同,因此同一件事情,

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A Word from the Principal - Children's Emotional Management


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Emotional blackmail is the biggest fatal wound between parents and children.

最近跟朋友聊到她想在外租房子,原因是家裡長輩老用財產來逼迫她,「成天一直碎念,說如果不孝順他,他一毛錢也不會給我們,但根本沒人有覬覦財產的念頭,也不稀罕他的房子,還不如趕快找個房子搬出去獨立。」她生氣又無奈的樣子,讓我想起DA爸家也有類似的情形。 我是一個從小就很獨立的孩子,DAHLIA出生前,我跟

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園長的話 – 讓孩子認識自己情緒的來源


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【親子教養篇】 紓解情緒 改善失語孩子的表達力

嘉琪緊抿著嘴,儘管被媽媽催促著打招呼,卻仍然不發一語。媽媽無可奈何地說:「她小時候是個經常問東問西,也會和姐姐鬥嘴的小女孩,大概從四歲以後,忽然變成只用搖頭、點頭回應的小啞巴。」 現在十歲的嘉琪,在學校裡,即使老師問也不大說話。她會和同學玩,也會開心的笑,就是很少發出聲音。經過輔導室的老師鑑定,嘉琪

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