Dental Fluoride
每半年一次的牙齒塗氟,在週四上午進行,由美加美學牙醫診所醫師團隊-呂醫師、林醫師和四位護理師來園為孩子們服務。 小朋友在老師的帶領下,一班班、一個個依序進行,大中班的小朋友有幾次塗氟的經驗,因此,輪到時會主動張大嘴巴,讓醫師檢查口腔、塗氟;小和幼班的孩子,雖然也想要有好的表現,但依然擔心、害怕,有幾
每半年一次的牙齒塗氟,在週四上午進行,由美加美學牙醫診所醫師團隊-呂醫師、林醫師和四位護理師來園為孩子們服務。 小朋友在老師的帶領下,一班班、一個個依序進行,大中班的小朋友有幾次塗氟的經驗,因此,輪到時會主動張大嘴巴,讓醫師檢查口腔、塗氟;小和幼班的孩子,雖然也想要有好的表現,但依然擔心、害怕,有幾
The semi-annual dental fluoride service was held on Wednesday. Due to the safety of epidemic prevention, transportation and time considerations, we invited a dentist to come to the school to serve the children. We are grateful to Dr. Lu and Dr. Lin for leading their team of seven dentists to come to the kindergarten to provide fluoride service for the children. The children were led by the teachers to do the fluoride application one by one in an orderly manner, and finally, through the video, we did the hygiene promotion and the prize quiz. The answers to the questions posed by the nurse were in the video, and the children were able to answer the questions in a serious manner.