Tag: 童年

Hey, kid, are you having a good day?

Parents who made reservations to visit the school on Tuesday arrived at the scheduled time. The three-person group - dad, mom, and child - were all smiles on their faces, and I could feel the joy in their hearts as well. After entering the school, the father of the child was looking for something, and the mother of the child said, "My husband used to read here when he was a child." Oh, I see, it's an alumnus, looking for his childhood memories. The alumnus told us how he remembered the days in the kindergarten, he was very happy and had a carefree heart every day!

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『親子教養篇』 童年的珍貴 游乾桂

『親子教養篇』 童年的珍貴 游乾桂 童年何以珍貴?首先,它只有一個,消逝便難以追求,很多人成年之後才後悔或者難過,為何想不起來任何關於童年的事;如果童年少了強風呼呼的颳著,樹梢沙沙作響,青青草原任牛羊……走在鄉間小徑‵涉水經過小溪的記憶,算不算有童年。 其次,童年是成人的夢田;如果能活上八十歲,回首

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