Tag: 生活習慣


How to develop the concept of time in young children

As the earth revolves around the sun, it is already the end of October, and there are still two months to go before we say goodbye to the year 2024 and prepare for the arrival of the new year 2025. Children between the ages of 3 and 6 are not yet mature in their concept of time, and have no sense of the passage of time. At first, they will use a larger unit, "day", to calculate, and today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow are the same every day in their little minds. Use the morning light to gather time, use the calendar, digital clock and children together.

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Children need companionship, but they also need to develop independent habits.

On Tuesday, the Mid-Autumn Festival, perhaps due to the absence of a consecutive holiday, there were fewer people going out, and even the scene of families barbecuing in front of their doors in the past Mid-Autumn Festival was not seen anymore. A couple of days ago, I went to a fish soup restaurant near Linsen Road and met a family of three parents. During the conversation, the father shared that since his child was promoted to kindergarten, his grandparents had come to visit and wanted to take him on a trip together, and that the child no longer took time off from work to go on trips with his grandparents as he had done before, but instead came to go to school, and that the parents were very happy about the change in the child's behavior. The parents were very pleased with the change in the child's behavior.

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仁和幼兒園 2024 游泳

"Habits and perseverance.

七點二十五分,小朋友陸續來園,到教室整理書包後,在老師的帶領下,進行晨間三十分鐘的活動,每天都不同~有聽故事、 巡迴體能、動手動腦玩積木、 跳箱-看誰跳得高、律動遊戲、戲沙等活動,小孩們樂在當中,大夥兒一起享受、體驗不同活動帶來的樂趣,校園裡一早就充滿了孩子們的嬉戲與歡樂聲。 問孩子們:「上學好玩嗎

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好習慣的養成需要費心、費時且費力,然而破壞難得建立的好習慣卻很容易,不費吹灰之力。假日症候群,是其中的 一項。 所謂假日症候群,就是週休二日或連續假期後,好不容易調整好的作息時間,卻因放假而前功盡棄。部分孩子需要重新適應生活作息,有的很快就調整好,有的則需較長的時間。 某天,接到家長來電,要幫孩子請

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園長的話 – 從生活中運動

「今天天氣好冷哦!」一向不怕冷的小智,身穿厚重的外套,嘴裡喊著好冷哦、好冷哦。」是啊!連不怕冷的我,也無法抵擋,還戴了毛帽呢。 春天是一個美好的季節,萬物復甦,花草香氣。但是,春天的天氣也是一個變化無常的季節,時而晴朗溫暖,時而陰雨寒冷。俗話說春天後母面,意思就是春季的天氣變化快速、難以捉摸。 就拿

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【親子教養篇】 如何幫助孩子養成好習慣

暢銷書《習慣的力量》作者查爾斯•杜希格(Charles Duhigg)另外一本書《更快、更好、更聰明》,指出我們每天的行為,40%是習慣使然。 因此,杜希格說,如果爸爸媽媽們能幫助孩子養成好習慣,將使他們受用一生:「教孩子釐清自己的習慣,也有助於他們了解如何自我克制。」 即使是小學階段的孩子,杜希格

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Sleep well. Establish good habits.

一週又過了,小孩們愈來愈適應幼兒園的生活作息,越來越多的孩子能準時到校,開開心心的進行各項活動,和其他小朋友一起玩遊戲,當然還有少數小孩還在適應中,不過不用擔心,只要建立良好的生活習慣,寶貝們很快就能適應群體生活。 早上校門開放時間一到,就有小寶貝在等候了,配合爸媽上班時間,需在7點半左右來園,以幼

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80% of infants and toddlers in Taiwan do not get enough sleep!


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園長的話 – 建立規律健康的生活習慣

大肌肉活動時間一到,音樂響起,孩子們在老師的帶領下,魚貫地走出教室,到草場、前門廣場、活動室,快樂的進行著體能活動,舒展全身的筋骨。 因著幼兒園豐富的體能器材與寬廣的空間,老師們的用心,每天總有著不一樣的活動安排,吸引著小孩們開心的玩著,一次次、一關關,即使汗流浹背,依然澆熄不了孩子們的熱情,在運動

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園長的話 – 品格決定命運,習慣決定機會

四季更迭,秋去冬來,我們在一年四季的轉換中,度過了年年歲歲,享受著每一個季節帶給我們的不同收穫,也豐富了自己的生命,與生活經驗的累積。 然而時序進入2020年,卻因著新冠肺炎疫情,讓全球深陷衝擊,許多國家不僅封城,甚至鎖國,國外旅遊幾乎停擺,產業波及之大不計其數,全球經濟蕭條,影響之巨大難以估計;台

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