Tag: 幼兒體能


What are the benefits of good physical fitness for young children?

The most exciting news this week is that the Taiwan baseball team defeated the host country Japan at the Tokyo Dome, ending a 27-game winning streak in Japan's international tournaments, and winning the first ever World Championship trophy in the World Series, and the first time in the team's history that they won three major tournaments, which is something that we should all celebrate together. Although the Chinese team was not favored at the beginning, it is hard to believe that the team could perform so well against the traditional strongest teams such as South Korea, the United States, and Japan.

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Hey, kid, are you having a good day?

Parents who made reservations to visit the school on Tuesday arrived at the scheduled time. The three-person group - dad, mom, and child - were all smiles on their faces, and I could feel the joy in their hearts as well. After entering the school, the father of the child was looking for something, and the mother of the child said, "My husband used to read here when he was a child." Oh, I see, it's an alumnus, looking for his childhood memories. The alumnus told us how he remembered the days in the kindergarten, he was very happy and had a carefree heart every day!

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People who exercise are smart.

四年一度的全球運動賽事-奧林匹克運動會,在法國巴黎舉行,全球的運動迷有的到現場為自己國家的代表加油;更多的運動迷則是透過網路、電視觀看,台灣人也不例外。 看著自己國家的選手為國爭光,尤其羽球男子雙打,再次拿下難得的金牌,舉國歡騰。 奧運的高光時刻是短暫的,這短短的奧運期間卻是長久練習和累積的成果。

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最近雨下的多,園內的花草長得特別快,園藝公司依約前來進行花草的修剪,從早到下午,師傅們頂著炎熱的天氣,修剪一盆盆、一株株大大小小的花木,讓校園更顯乾淨、舒適,真是感謝。 不過卻因為把注意力放在修剪花木上,週二卻忘了放泳池的水,原本週三游泳的日子無法游泳,讓孩子們失望,實在抱歉,聯絡教練改週四游泳,時

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The 50th Games in a row

第五十屆親子運動會在眾人的期盼下,於3月30日熱鬧的登場,孩子們個個精神抖擻、帶著一顆愉悅的心,準時在8點前來園集合,活動在8:30準時開始。 開幕典禮在鳴炮聲中由六個舞龍隊的小孩,展現無比的活力…

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因著即將到來的親子運動會,除了有體能的展現外,尚有團體舞的表演、唱園歌、升旗歌、運動員進場等團隊合作的項目,要讓這群小蘿蔔頭們一起合作,還真是不簡單,老師可要有幾把刷子,過程中不是這個動就是那個亂跑,還真是考驗著老師們的耐心和專業。 一一克服了這些難題,順利的練習了幾項合作的項目,鼓勵小朋友,練習就

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Benefits of Exercise in Early Childhood

0~6 years old is the most rapid development of the nervous system of the brain. The physical experience and motor stimulation of the child at this stage will often become the child's long-term memory, which will affect him throughout his life. Exercise is beneficial to a child's physical and mental development in the following ways: 1. Exercise promotes brain integration As the study of brain science becomes more and more obvious, the definition of exercise has also been rewritten. In the past, the notion that children who love to exercise are "simple in head and developed in limbs" has been completely reversed. In fact, the more

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幼兒體能遊戲 - 輪胎遊戲


時間的巨輪不停的轉動,不知不覺間快速的流逝,開學至今已滿一個月,眨眼間已是2024年三月了。 週四是二月的最後一天229,四年一次特別的日子,簡單分享閏年和平年的區別,接著問:有沒有人是229生日? 沒人舉手。 三月,春暖花開萬物復甦的季節,儘管感覺還有一絲的寒意,但春天已擠進了季節的門檻。園內的花

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週二晨光巡迴體能遊戲時間,看著Helen媽咪和Kady媽咪為了提供小朋友們安全、好玩、有趣、有挑戰性的巡迴體能活動,彼此分享、互相討論的用心與認真的態度,不輕看這例行性的活動;且在活動進行中,一面觀察小朋友進行的情形,適時的做調整,專業與敬業的態度,園長看了好感動。 兩位老師的規劃固然重要,然而器材

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從日本高教的轉變看台灣青年體力危機,大學體育課多寡影響學生體能水準 2020年我寫過一篇文章〈別再輕忽大學體育課!高教體育為何應該4年都是必修學分〉,談到大學體育課的必要性。一些比較熟識的 大學老師碰面聚會,聊到大學體育課必修轉選修的趨勢,常會感嘆大 學生體力不若從前;其中一位退休教授特別感嘆,「滑

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