Tag: 少子化

Children need companionship, but they also need to develop independent habits.

On Tuesday, the Mid-Autumn Festival, perhaps due to the absence of a consecutive holiday, there were fewer people going out, and even the scene of families barbecuing in front of their doors in the past Mid-Autumn Festival was not seen anymore. A couple of days ago, I went to a fish soup restaurant near Linsen Road and met a family of three parents. During the conversation, the father shared that since his child was promoted to kindergarten, his grandparents had come to visit and wanted to take him on a trip together, and that the child no longer took time off from work to go on trips with his grandparents as he had done before, but instead came to go to school, and that the parents were very happy about the change in the child's behavior. The parents were very pleased with the change in the child's behavior.

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20. 以色列 兒童津貼:每月第一個孩子約NT$1,750,隨子女數增加 育補助金:一次性約NT$57,000 托兒服務:3-4歲兒童可獲免費教育 3.03 → 2.90以色列中央統計局21. 匈牙利 生育獎勵金:終身免所得稅(適用於生育4個以上子女的婦女) 家庭住房補貼:多子女家庭可獲最高約NT$

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仁和幼兒園 草場活動


本週四預約參觀的家長,是位七年級的校友,帶著太太一起來,告訴園長,他們一家的小孩都念仁和,是因鄰近,還有仁和是附近幼兒園空間最大、設備最多元的。 校友說,當年在幼稚園時,每天都玩到不想回家,非得媽媽入園帶他才肯離開。幼稚園美好的記憶使他念念不忘,如今已為人父,希望自己的寶貝也能有個美好的童年歲月,特

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