Tag: 孔廟

Message from the Director - Outdoor Learning: Confucius Temple and Weather Center

As the epidemic slowed down, the number of tour buses resumed, and many venues relaxed their attendance, kindergartens were able to plan out-of-school visits and fall tours to coincide with teaching and learning. The first stops were the Confucius Temple and the Southern Taiwan Meteorological Center, in keeping with the semester theme for kindergarten classes, "There is Magic in the Sky". Reservations were required for the visit, and the reservation process for the Southern Taiwan Meteorological Center was not smooth, as it was booked online, and the number of visitors was limited, so it was not until mid-October that we were sure we could go there; the center opened at 10:00 a.m., so we had to make a reservation.

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配合大班學期主題「天空有魔法」,安排戶外教學,參觀位於公園路的「南區氣象中心」,並順道前往參觀孔廟。 (已於週四發通知) 時間-10/26日週二上午8時40分至12時 地點-南區氣象中心+孔廟 交通-大型遊覽車

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園長的話 – 戶外教學:孔廟/文學館

信誼文學獎30故事劇場-劍獅出巡,於9月28日、29日在台南文化中心原生劇場演出,吸引了許多大小朋友。由三位演出者,帶領大家,沈浸在故事的氛圍裡,以熟練精湛的演技,戲偶融合繪本、舞獅、布袋戲元素,貫穿全場,讓現場大小孩與劍獅經歷一場驚奇又有趣的尋劍之旅。 劍獅出巡的作者劉如桂老師,於今年六月27日來

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園長的話 – 火龍果開花了

「園長~空中走廊的火龍果開了七朵花耶!」春吟老師興奮的來告訴園長,好像中了樂透一樣。對每天負責照顧它的老師而言,確實是件值得歡喜的事。 開花才會結果,哇!好期待哦。 將此消息告訴小孩,有興趣的小朋友就會前往觀察,有的每天都會去看。 順著感動,剛巧冰箱裡有火龍果,拿出來讓孩子觀察,與果樹做連結;切開分

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