Tag: 六大學習領域

What is more important than knowledge?

I had the opportunity to chat and share with a parent from China about her child's adjustment at Renhe, and to learn more about the situation of kindergartens in China. The parent said that her child attended a public kindergarten, where all they did was play every day, but it was different at Renhe, where there were big muscle activities and diversified learning, which was more enriching, and her child was very happy and joyful every day. Playing is a child's vocation. Children who grow up playing, have many playmates, and often play outdoors can develop the basic skills of interpersonal interaction.

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How to Stimulate Language Development in Toddlers: Don't let your child "boss you around"!

開學已進入第六週,多數小朋友已適應幼兒園的生活作息,少數小孩仍在學習中。在陪伴他們的同時,發覺到有些小朋友語言能力稍嫌不足,也許是家中的獨子,沒有兄弟姊妹的帶領,從小朋友的資料中顯示第一胎居多,也或許是刺激較少,沒機會聽和說,也或許是照顧者沒等小孩開口,就自行理解他們的需求…等等原因。 一般而言,二

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Hey, kid, are you having a good day?

Parents who made reservations to visit the school on Tuesday arrived at the scheduled time. The three-person group - dad, mom, and child - were all smiles on their faces, and I could feel the joy in their hearts as well. After entering the school, the father of the child was looking for something, and the mother of the child said, "My husband used to read here when he was a child." Oh, I see, it's an alumnus, looking for his childhood memories. The alumnus told us how he remembered the days in the kindergarten, he was very happy and had a carefree heart every day!

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People who exercise are smart.

四年一度的全球運動賽事-奧林匹克運動會,在法國巴黎舉行,全球的運動迷有的到現場為自己國家的代表加油;更多的運動迷則是透過網路、電視觀看,台灣人也不例外。 看著自己國家的選手為國爭光,尤其羽球男子雙打,再次拿下難得的金牌,舉國歡騰。 奧運的高光時刻是短暫的,這短短的奧運期間卻是長久練習和累積的成果。

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上週六參加一場幼兒園課程發展趨勢研習會,一整天的課程雖感疲累,卻有著滿滿的收穫。幼兒園的課程該教甚麼?20年後的小孩將會面臨甚麼樣的社會? 老師分享,有陣子年輕人喜歡從事服務業,但現在服務業也很缺人,年輕人去哪兒了?有人說去做網紅了。會中老師提到現在最熱門的話題-AI,以及AI對未來教育的影響。 大

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The Charm of Building Blocks

On April 18th, we held a sharing competition for block observation. Each class first held a preliminary competition and then sent representatives to participate in the competition. On that day, all the children who participated in the sharing competition brought their own blocks to the activity room. After everyone was ready, the principal announced the theme of the competition, which was the tamest AI robot at the moment. After listening to the announcement, the children immediately immersed themselves in the world of blocks, and quietly and seriously worked on the assembling of their own robot, and soon after, one by one, the robot was produced one after another!

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