Tag: 健康

Work together to establish good hygiene habits in your child.

The weather forecast is that there will be a typhoon "Typhoon Puppy" this week, so please be careful and prepare for it. When I attended the evaluation briefing on Wednesday, the organizer told me that parking spaces at the school were limited, so I should try to share a car or ride a motorcycle. However, since Typhoon Puppy was about to hit the school, and I was afraid that there was no place to park my car, I decided to ride a motorcycle. On the way back, I felt the power of the wind, and I stopped several times, not daring to be careless, and I still had palpitations when I returned to the park. The power of nature is not to be taken lightly. At 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, the city government announced that the winds were going to blow out at the park.

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讓嬰幼兒從小就養成良好的衛生習慣,才能自然而然的內化成為一種好習慣,保持身體的健康。 從小需要教導嬰幼兒衛生習慣的重要性有兩個: 1.預防疾病的發生與傳染他人:人體與環境中潛伏的細菌和病毒,很容易在不注意時進入身體,若有良好的衛生習慣可以預防疾病的傳染。 2.養成正確、規律的生活習慣:生活習慣是要靠

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A Message from the Principal - Developing Good Hygiene Habits Building Healthy Wealth

Early in the morning, the phone in the office rang, and the parent on the other end of the line sent a message that her child had vomited in the middle of the night and needed to take the day off. A few minutes later, the phone rang again, and again, the child was vomiting in the middle of the night and had a fever, so she had to take the day off from work. Maybe it is because of the seasonal change, recently there are more children with gastrointestinal discomfort, vomiting, fever and sickness, some of them have symptoms at home, and some of them have conditions in kindergartens, such as stomach ache and vomiting, so parents will be asked to take their children home to rest and take care of them.

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Parenting】 Enterovirus prevention and health care

Enteroviruses can cause a variety of diseases, many of which are asymptomatic, some of which have fever or flu-like symptoms, but some of which have specific clinical manifestations, such as hand-foot-mouth disease, vesicular pharyngitis, aseptic meningitis, viral encephalitis, paralysis of the limbs syndrome, acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, infantile acute myocarditis and pericarditis in adults, epidemiological myalgia, and acute lymphadenopathic pharyngitis, Fever combined with rash, etc. Humans are the only source of enterovirus transmission.

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園長的話 – 從生活中運動

「今天天氣好冷哦!」一向不怕冷的小智,身穿厚重的外套,嘴裡喊著好冷哦、好冷哦。」是啊!連不怕冷的我,也無法抵擋,還戴了毛帽呢。 春天是一個美好的季節,萬物復甦,花草香氣。但是,春天的天氣也是一個變化無常的季節,時而晴朗溫暖,時而陰雨寒冷。俗話說春天後母面,意思就是春季的天氣變化快速、難以捉摸。 就拿

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衛生福利部疾病管制署今日舉辦111年度公費流感疫苗開打記者會-「注你一臂之力」,邀請衛生福利部薛瑞元部長、疾病管制署周志浩署長、防疫大使楊烈及素人孕婦媽媽與其學齡前幼兒於現場率先施打,並共同呼籲符合公費流感接種資格之民眾,配合開打期程儘速完成接種,保護自己並守護親友健康。 薛部長表示,今(111)年

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園長的話 – 打造健康的身體 迎接人生的挑戰

今年的冬天似乎特別冷也特別長,讓被置放在衣櫥裡的保暖禦寒衣服能夠有亮相的機會,不再被主人冷落,還有保暖的配件-圍巾、手套、帽子、鞋襪等,一樣樣被派上用場,哈哈~這些物品終於出頭天了,就像俗諺所說「戲棚跤徛久就是你的。」 天氣變化實在很大,今年入冬以來首波寒流在上週日報到,氣象局特別發布了低溫特報,最

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園長的話 – 建立規律健康的生活習慣

大肌肉活動時間一到,音樂響起,孩子們在老師的帶領下,魚貫地走出教室,到草場、前門廣場、活動室,快樂的進行著體能活動,舒展全身的筋骨。 因著幼兒園豐富的體能器材與寬廣的空間,老師們的用心,每天總有著不一樣的活動安排,吸引著小孩們開心的玩著,一次次、一關關,即使汗流浹背,依然澆熄不了孩子們的熱情,在運動

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Parenting] High efficiency and productivity come from a disciplined life.

現代人對於工作,似乎有個迷思,便是「如果我夠熱愛我的工作,就算犧牲睡眠也何妨」、「我就是因為太勤於工作、太拚了,才沒時間去好好吃一頓飯或是去運動」。 但這些都是本末倒置,若是不好好照顧自己的身體,遲早有一天健康會亮起紅燈,到時就為時已晚,賠掉了健康,又該如何拚工作?美國新創顧問公司TheUnicor

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