Tag: 社交

What is more important than knowledge?

I had the opportunity to chat and share with a parent from China about her child's adjustment at Renhe, and to learn more about the situation of kindergartens in China. The parent said that her child attended a public kindergarten, where all they did was play every day, but it was different at Renhe, where there were big muscle activities and diversified learning, which was more enriching, and her child was very happy and joyful every day. Playing is a child's vocation. Children who grow up playing, have many playmates, and often play outdoors can develop the basic skills of interpersonal interaction.

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曾經有研究指出,樂於助人及分享的孩子,未來較有可能取得大學學位,在工作及他人相處上也會順利許多,可看出社交能力與未來人生的成功與否,有著極大的關聯。想要培養孩子的社交能力,爸媽要先了解其發展! 孩子擁有良好的社交關係,在生活中可以發揮很多作用,米露谷心理治療所所長駱郁芬表示,人類是群居動作,在社會中

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園長的話 – 孩子「今天快樂嗎?」

     送舊迎新,結束舊學期,週休二日後,緊接著無縫接軌,新的學期開學了。 開學第一天問小朋友,喜歡上學嗎?喜歡的請坐下,不喜歡的可以站起來;孩子們很快的就做出選擇,有兩個站著;請幾個喜歡上學的小朋友分享~可以和小朋友一起玩、有很多玩具、可以學習…」在他們回答的過程中

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親子教養篇】 親子天下 七招幫助孩子快樂交朋友(二)

2.父母不過度干涉、也不過度操作孩子與玩伴的互動。 要把握最少涉入原則。例如孩子的人際發展大致上沒有問題,就不需要安排許多活動。同樣的,對孩子要和玩伴玩什麼?怎麼玩?或者玩出爭執、問題時怎麼辦?除非必要,父母宜鼓勵孩子與玩伴溝通、決定。 3.安排同齡玩伴的相處經驗,也要安排有混齡的玩伴團體。 過去孩

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