Tag: 流感

Flu Prevention

Spring, summer, fall and winter cycle of the four seasons, the sequence of time and again to meet the seasonal transition period, into the fall and winter weather, morning and evening temperatures significantly cooler, without the heat of summer, pleasant climate, cool weather, when people feel comfortable, some viruses are also followed by the report. There are four types of viruses that are currently circulating - influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), enterovirus and adenovirus. As the weather gets cooler and more people visit hospitals and clinics, it is important to prevent influenza.

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What is the difference between a cold, the flu, and a flu-like illness?

Can't tell the difference between a cold, the flu, and a flu-like illness? A cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract that occurs in the nose and throat; influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus; and influenza-like illnesses are any viruses that cause symptoms as severe as the flu. A common cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract that occurs in the nose and throat. There are hundreds of viruses that cause colds. Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion, and runny nose, not necessarily a fever. Colds

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Outbreaks and Health Alerts

Rising Epidemic] As the season begins to fall, there has been a rise in the number of influenza/influenza-like illnesses and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) outbreaks in the country, of which respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) can be transmitted through droplets and contact, and has symptoms similar to those of the common cold....

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Work together to establish good hygiene habits in your child.

The weather forecast is that there will be a typhoon "Typhoon Puppy" this week, so please be careful and prepare for it. When I attended the evaluation briefing on Wednesday, the organizer told me that parking spaces at the school were limited, so I should try to share a car or ride a motorcycle. However, since Typhoon Puppy was about to hit the school, and I was afraid that there was no place to park my car, I decided to ride a motorcycle. On the way back, I felt the power of the wind, and I stopped several times, not daring to be careless, and I still had palpitations when I returned to the park. The power of nature is not to be taken lightly. At 4:00 or 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, the city government announced that the winds were going to blow out at the park.

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園長的話 – 健康就是財富,預防勝於治療

秋天,季節的變換,天氣漸漸轉涼,早晚較為明顯,生病,咳嗽、發燒的孩子也變多了。 走過新冠疫情的侵襲,多數的人們對新冠病毒的抵抗力提高,但又被流感病毒打敗了。 台灣的流感季節大約是冬天開始,一直持續到春天,流感疫苗因為變異很大,每年都不一樣,而且流感疫苗施打後,需要兩週的時間才會有保護力,因此為了提早

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【親子教養篇】 流行性感冒

流行性感冒基本概念 流行性感冒或流感,是一種常見的呼吸道病毒感染。爆發快速且散播範圍廣泛。每年全球大約有5%~10%成人受感染,約20%~30%小孩受感染,全球每年約300~500萬人因感染併發重症,29萬~65萬人死亡。 流感通常病發突然,對多數人來說,病毒持續7~10天後消失,大部分的人都會痊癒

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Message from the Director - 10/13 New Epidemic Prevention System

週一一早,辦公室的電話鈴聲響起,電話那頭家長來電幫小孩請假,問明假因,是媽媽確診,小孩為密切接觸者,須請假一星期;接著班級老師也接到家長的訊息,因爸爸確診小孩要請假,統計本週因家人確診請假的小孩就有四個。 根據中央疫情指揮中心報導,目前每天確診的人數仍維持在四萬多人,且還有很多黑數。幼兒園每天都有在

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Publicly-funded flu vaccine starts on October 1, so you're in good hands!

The Disease Control Administration of the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) today held a press conference on the 111th annual publicly-funded influenza vaccination - "A Little Help for You", inviting Minister Xue Ruiyuan of MOHW, Director Chih-Hao Chou of the Disease Control Administration (DCDA), Epidemic Prevention Ambassador Yeung Yeh, and a vegetarian expectant mother and her preschooler to be the first to administer the vaccine on site. The press conference also called on the public, who are eligible for the publicly-funded influenza vaccine, to cooperate with the schedule of vaccination and complete it as soon as possible, so as to protect themselves and the health of their relatives and friends. The public is urged to cooperate with the vaccination program and complete the vaccination as soon as possible to protect themselves and the health of their friends and relatives. According to Minister Hsueh, this year (111)

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Education Bureau, Auxiliary Schools Safety Section: Not attending classes when sick

School Safety Division, Education Bureau: Among the six diseases under surveillance in the 37th week of 2021, diarrhea and fever increased this week compared to the last week (36), influenza-like illness remained unchanged from the last week (36), and enterovirus, red-eye, and varicella decreased this week compared to the last week (36). Please strengthen the prevention and treatment of enterovirus, influenza/influenza-like illnesses, viral gastroenteritis, and chickenpox, and implement environmental cleaning and disinfection. In order to prevent epidemics on campus, please step up the promotion of personal hygiene among children, so that they do not get sick.

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園長的話 – 安全宣導和疫苗

本週因著娃娃車安全宣導、豆子劇團的會飛的盒子舞台劇宣導,和流感疫苗的施打,讓校園的生活添加了些許的色彩。 娃娃車安全宣導是每學期例行性的工作,希望透過宣導,讓小孩從小就能了解與重視搭車等相關交通安全的課題,保障自身的安全。雖然是老生常談的事,但我們仍不厭其煩,用心的準備,每次都會增加新的內容,讓學習

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