Tag: 母親節

Philosophy and Objectives

People are always full of hope for "new" things, such as a new year, new products, and new things; they expect new things to happen, better than what they originally expected.520 With the inauguration of President Rhee and the succession of the new government team, people are full of new hope and expect the new team to bring a different kind of bright spot. The new education minister, Mr. Cheng Ying-yiu, explained his philosophy of education when he met with the media, saying that education is to help every young person and every student to have a bright future because of education.

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Healthy, happy moms make happy kids.

After the Mother's Day activity last Friday, Mrs. Yuzheng saw the director in the afternoon and said with a big smile on her face, "Director, the Mother's Dayㄟ activity was a great success, better than Yazu A-Ma's footsteps".

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Spring Travel Reverberations

「很感謝園長一年二次的戶外教學,有些學校都沒有,甚至母親節也沒活動。辦一次活動真的都要投入大量的心力,但相信看到孩子們的笑容都值得了。戶外教學,每次都有新收穫,也從中更能體會老師們的辛勞,很感謝園長及老師。」 「小孩這次旅遊回來特別開心,一直分享著過程給我們聽;謝謝老師們,讓小朋友在就學期間,過得這

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The Charm of Building Blocks

On April 18th, we held a sharing competition for block observation. Each class first held a preliminary competition and then sent representatives to participate in the competition. On that day, all the children who participated in the sharing competition brought their own blocks to the activity room. After everyone was ready, the principal announced the theme of the competition, which was the tamest AI robot at the moment. After listening to the announcement, the children immediately immersed themselves in the world of blocks, and quietly and seriously worked on the assembling of their own robot, and soon after, one by one, the robot was produced one after another!

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Mother's Day, Family and Courage on Stage

母親節慶祝會雖已過了,但那股暖流還在,一首「愛我們的家」繼續在傳唱,成為與孩子們間的通關密語,時不時就會聽到孩子的歌唱聲~讓愛天天住你家,讓愛天天住我家……;也時不時的問小孩「你家今天有沒有光彩?大家有沒有合作?有沒有相親相愛」 每個孩子都渴望自己的家有光彩,更希望家是溫暖的。有首經典的兒歌-甜蜜的

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A Message from the Director - Spring Blossoms Season of Love

校園裡種植了好幾盆孤挺花,是多年生的球根花卉,鱗莖呈圓球狀粗大如洋蔥;不用特別的照顧,只要有日照、按時給水,它們總會在每年三月底、四月初陸續開花,互相爭豔,校園裡因著這群美麗花朵的綻放,色彩更加豐富,更有美感。 今年氣候異常,開花期也比往年慢很多,尤其是兩盆最漂亮的至今尚未開,不知問題所在,有些擔心

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原本計畫在四月中旬拍攝大班畢業團體照,因攝影公司時間的安排週五才有空檔,若週五不方便就需排到五月,考量週五是小孩們和體能老師互動的日子,接下來五月一日是勞動節,當週又是母親節,於是安排在五月11日週三,週三剛好是小女生穿裙裝、小男生穿帥服的日子,於是日子就這樣定了。 可惜天公不作美,週三一早天色陰暗

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為我牽掛為我憂心 疫情下的母親節

「繁星啊繁星,一閃一閃亮晶晶,就像媽媽溫柔的眼睛,是我成長的牽引,記錄著我成長的心情。媽媽永恆美麗的心,是天父親手栽種的心,蘊含天父深深的情,為我牽掛為我憂心…」 五月的感恩頌輕輕地在耳際響起,猶如孩提時熟悉的搖籃曲….. 每個音符都充滿了無限的呵護與關愛,讓我們永遠倘佯於母親旭日般的慈暉中。 五月

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最早的母親節起源於古希臘。在這一天古希臘人向希臘眾神之母Rhea致敬。到了十七世紀英國,教會將之改為表達對耶穌之母瑪麗亞的崇敬,訂四旬齋的第四個星期日為「Mothering Sunday」。甚至人們加入教會的「受洗」儀式,訂在母親節這一天。 美國母親節是最有名的典故。由Anna Jarvis發起,她

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園長的話 – 只有合作才能夠抑制疫情

當全球都籠罩在肺炎疫情的威脅下,台灣因超前佈署,防疫得當,民眾除了無法出國旅遊外,還能過著自由進出、上班上學的生活,是因為大家都能順從防疫中心-指揮官的決策令去執行。 但,原本令世界各國稱羨的台灣,近日因本土疫情危機再度擴大,指揮官陳時中定調已進入社區感染,並將疫情警戒提升至第二級到6月8日共4週,

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