The spirit of a good gardener.
3月12日植樹節,簡單分享植樹節的由來後,問:「為什麼有植樹節?為何要種樹、種花?」「讓空氣好、可以乘涼、環境漂亮、讓地球更美麗」「假如幼兒園裡沒有花草樹木,環境會變怎樣?」 現場鴉雀無聲,小孩們似乎認真的在想一個沒有花草樹木的園地。 在春暖花開、大地回春之際,是植樹的好時機,降低溫室效應節能減碳,
3月12日植樹節,簡單分享植樹節的由來後,問:「為什麼有植樹節?為何要種樹、種花?」「讓空氣好、可以乘涼、環境漂亮、讓地球更美麗」「假如幼兒園裡沒有花草樹木,環境會變怎樣?」 現場鴉雀無聲,小孩們似乎認真的在想一個沒有花草樹木的園地。 在春暖花開、大地回春之際,是植樹的好時機,降低溫室效應節能減碳,
植樹節真正成為名正言順地被認證頒訂的節日,則是在1915年7月,當時國父孫中山先生認為林業是百年大計,其在擔任中華民國臨時大總統時期,就曾特別指示設立了負責全國林業的農林部、山林司,更頒布了第一部《森林法》.倡議號召植樹造林行動來造福後代,並由政府下令規定,每年清明節為植樹節。 後來1925年3月1
During exercise time, the school is always bustling with activity and the children are full of energy and love to try new things to challenge themselves. On Thursday, during the morning light time, Hanyu excitedly ran to the principal and said, "I am an intermediate child and I have jumped over eight floors! Then Meng Huai followed and told the principal how happy she was to have succeeded in jumping out of the box. With Kady's mom's encouragement, more and more children are taking on the challenge of jumping over eight floors. Jumping box is a comprehensive demonstration of a child's physical development, and it requires a lot of skill.
當我們站在大自然面前,感受著陽光、風和草木的氣息,是否曾想過我們擁有的一切是來自於這片美麗的土地?然而,長期以來人類對於自然環境的破壞與污染已經達到了一個令人憂心的程度。為了呼籲大家珍惜生命資源,推廣綠化與環保理念,「植樹節」應運而生。 植物節的由來? 定義「植樹節」(Arbor Day)為一個特殊
最近空氣品質實在有夠差,教育局學輔校安科相關的空品簽收公文相對的也增多,提醒大家注意,並做好預防措施。 「空氣品質惡化、淪為隱匿殺手!」空氣中細懸浮微粒對人體健康影響甚鉅,為改善空氣品質與保障民眾健康,政府於2011年揭示「黃金十年,國家願景」之「永續環境」政策願景,以「綠能減碳、生態家園、災害防救
The campus has several pots of Tallflowers, which are perennial bulbous flowers with bulbous bulbs as thick as onions; without special care, as long as there is sunshine and water is given on a regular basis, they will always blossom at the end of March every year, competing with each other for flowers, and the campus is also more colorful and beautiful because of the blossoming of this group of beautiful flowers. In addition to the Lonicera, the campus also grows a variety of different flowers, in addition to the beautification and greening of the environment, but also more importantly, the learning of life issues.
新冠肺炎疫情爆發至今已逾兩個多月,且波及全球各地,疫情恐將持續一陣子,有些國家延後開學,有些國家全面或部分停課,有些國家鼓勵線上教學。 病毒無國界。隨著全球化時代的來臨,各種傳染疾病的擴散難以避免。因此對於疫情的了解,以及具備防疫知識能力和態度等素養,就顯重要了。這一波疫情,就是活生生的教學實例,它
樹與人的關係十分密切,樹在大自然中扮演舉足輕重的角色:樹能行光合作用,吸收空氣中的廢氣,轉化成新鮮的空氣,供地球上的生物使用。 此外,樹根能深入地底,牢牢的抓住土壤,防止土壤被雨水沖走,避免道路坍方和土石流的發生,有助於水土保持。而且,樹的用途十分廣泛,可以製做成家具、鉛筆和造紙,大樹能夠遮蔭,落葉
"After returning from the flower saplings given by the school on Arbor Day, Yen-Cheung worked with his brother to build an environment where the tree would be very comfortable. When I saw my brother and Yen-Shiang planting the tree together, even with the landscape around the tree, helping to catch earthworms and digging a water channel, I felt the greatness of Arbor Day! I was so touched by my mom's sharing. It's not easy for two brothers to treat and cherish a sapling with such dedication, and all of a sudden I felt that all the efforts for Arbor Day were worth it, from the taking of the sapling to the planting of the tree, to the planting of the tree.