Spring Travel Reverberations
「很感謝園長一年二次的戶外教學,有些學校都沒有,甚至母親節也沒活動。辦一次活動真的都要投入大量的心力,但相信看到孩子們的笑容都值得了。戶外教學,每次都有新收穫,也從中更能體會老師們的辛勞,很感謝園長及老師。」 「小孩這次旅遊回來特別開心,一直分享著過程給我們聽;謝謝老師們,讓小朋友在就學期間,過得這
「很感謝園長一年二次的戶外教學,有些學校都沒有,甚至母親節也沒活動。辦一次活動真的都要投入大量的心力,但相信看到孩子們的笑容都值得了。戶外教學,每次都有新收穫,也從中更能體會老師們的辛勞,很感謝園長及老師。」 「小孩這次旅遊回來特別開心,一直分享著過程給我們聽;謝謝老師們,讓小朋友在就學期間,過得這
週三春季旅遊戶外教學,以喜樂的心,帶領全園師生、家長,搭乘遊覽車,前往位於高雄的科學工藝館。 當天,天氣是cloudy day,陰陰涼涼的,是出遊的好日子。無法預料的天氣,在出發前二天,玥玥老師問園長:會不會擔心下雨?園長很有信心的說「不會啊,因我不是富戶家(念台語),天氣陰陰的旅遊最好了,且在室內
The 50th Parent-Child Sports Day made its debut on March 30th with much anticipation. The children came to the park at 8 o'clock on time with great energy and a happy heart, and the activity started at 8:30 on time. The opening ceremony started with the sound of cannons and the six dragon dance teams demonstrated their vitality....
Outdoor learning or traveling activities are very popular among children in kindergartens and are full of curiosity. For children who like new things, outdoor learning and interaction with their peers, discovering and seeing together, are all valuable learning experiences. Each semester, we arrange a trip in the cooler weather of spring and fall to a destination within an hour and a half's drive, with Tainan as the first priority. When we set the date at the beginning of the semester, we could not predict the weather, but we had faith that we would be able to make the trip.
時間:4月20日星期四上午8:20至下午4時 地點:a.上午-高雄壽山動物園 b.下午-高雄兒童美術館 交通:遊覽車 參加對象:1.大.中.小.幼班小朋友。 2.開放家長同行(各年段開放人數不同,請向班級老師報 名)額滿為止。 費用:小朋友(6歲以下)-350元(含車費、午餐、保險費)
It was hard to wait for the spring tour, and the children were very much looking forward to it. However, due to the rising epidemic, the number of confirmed cases has been increasing, from two-digit to three-digit to four-digit, and everyone's worries have increased; should the tour be held as usual or canceled? It is really a dilemma. The decision had to be made in a democratic way. First, the teachers voted, and all of them unanimously approved to hold the tour as usual; then came the children, and those who were in favor of it sat down, and only three of them who were not going to participate in the tour passed it, and so the tour was held as usual.
Time: Thursday, April 21, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Venue: National Museum of History (No. 250, Sec. 1, Changhe Rd., Annan Dist., Tainan City, Taiwan, R.O.C.) Transportation: Tour buses Participants: 1. Middle. Elementary. Kindergarten children. 2. Each class is open to three family members to accompany (please register with the class teacher). ※ Fee: Children - 160 yuan (including bus fare, lunch) parents - 300 yuan (including bus fare, entry).
時間:11月25日星期四上午8:0至下午4時地點:高雄科工館(高雄市三民區解如一路720號電話:07-3800089)交通:遊覽車參加對象:1.大.中.小.幼班小朋友。2.每班開放四位家人同行(請向班及老師報名),額滿截止。 費用:小朋友-320元(含車資、地震體驗、午餐)家長-500元(含車資、入
外出參觀旅遊,對大人、小孩而言,特別有吸引力,尤其是小朋友,不論地點,只要是外出。四月22日週四春季旅遊日,八點十分不到,小朋友全部到齊,連平日晚到的小朋友也不例外,旅遊可真是魅力十足。 此次旅遊的地點是位於學甲區的走馬瀨農場,大夥兒分乘四台遊覽車前往,快快樂樂出門,平平安安的回家。在占地120甲的
轉眼間又是週五了,時間過得實在太快了,快得令人手足無措;記得國小有課課文這樣寫著「日曆、日曆掛在牆壁,一天撕去一頁,使我心裡著急。」現在已經少有日曆了,心裡著實更加著急。 小時候總覺得時間過得好慢,希望快點長大;現在隨著年紀越來越大,感覺時間也越過越快,真的就是光陰似箭、歲月如梭,每天一晃眼就過了,