Tag: 戶外參觀

園長的話 – 感恩、惜福

「Mandy!謝謝你今天帶我們去玩!」遠足回到幼兒園時,子寧滿臉笑容的對著我說,當下我的心好感動,好溫暖,好窩心,來自於小班孩子感謝的話語。下午四點十分回到幼兒園,剛踏入園裡,就收到這句窩心的話語,像疲累的身心注射一劑營養針似的,頓時精神又來了。 「謝謝」是呀!是該謝謝,謝謝有這麼好的天氣,讓春季旅

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Jen-Ho Story - Providing children with a future full of love and hope

Snow White and her attendant were on stage, interpreting their upcoming stage play, adapted from The Frog Prince's "The Prince Stayed Up All Night", at this classical music salon on Tainan's Yonghua 1st Street. The lively performances, along with the adorable frog props, were eye-catching! Even the youngest children were mesmerized by the performance. On two consecutive days, two troupes came to the kindergarten to do promotional work, the Bean Troupe on Tuesday, and the Iron Branch Roadside Creative Group on Wednesday, in just half an hour.

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A word from the headmaster.


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Message from the Director

The kumquat potted plant by the front garden is full of small white flowers, densely packed, so fragrant! Three or two bees buzzed around the flowers, "They're collecting nectar, shh! Keep your voice down, don't disturb them." We gathered around the kumquat tree and observed it carefully. After the blossoms bloom, they will bear fruit, and when the fruits turn yellow, they can be picked and eaten, or brewed into kumquat tea," said the children with anticipation on their faces. The sharp-eyed Yu Ting noticed that the Mickey Mouse placed in front of the office also had a kumquat tree.

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Message from the Director - Participation

Due to the exploration of transportation in the teaching unit of the intermediate class, the "Parent-Child Transportation Creation Observation Contest" was extended to invite parents and babies to join together to turn gratitude into creative works. Through the process of parent-child creation, the opportunities for interaction and understanding between parents were enhanced, so that the seeds of gratitude could be planted in the children's hearts and minds. This activity has received enthusiastic response and support from parents, with 60% of the parents and children participating. On Monday, the children brought their works to the kindergarten one after another, and once they saw the people, they talked incessantly about their gratitude.

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Message from the Director

Outdoor learning visits can teach you a lot of things you don't know from books! These words on the front page of the newspaper, "Watching TV for an hour shortens your life by 22 minutes," are really scary! Read inside, watching TV for an hour is equivalent to smoking two cigarettes, that is, living 22 minutes less, then an hour a day, seven hours a week, a month is 210 hours, which translates to 10 days, the price is really too high, really not to move, to live, you have to move. The study reports that

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Message from the Director - Outdoor Learning Visit to Takamikan

"PENGUINS. What game are you playing? It's a game of paper ball!" Sitting on the porch in front of the Takamikan, I watched seven or eight boys from the Crystal family playing with paper balls after dinner, curious to find out what kind of game they were playing. I could tell that the props were paper balls, but I wondered what kind of game they were playing so enthusiastically. After I asked them, several kids wanted to join in the game, some wanted to be cheerleaders, while Hiro said he wanted to be a referee.

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Message from the Director


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From the director - the environment is very important!

The children of the summer class had a great time visiting the Kaohsiung Science and Technology Museum! There was a kumquat tree in the front garden, and it was full of fruits. One day, my child came to me as if he had discovered a new continent and told me, "Mandy, there's a tree over there, and there are lots of little green things growing, come and look! "Really?" So I responded to their curiosity and went to see it with them. The kids were talking...what is it? It's green... It's so cute.

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Message from the Director

"Love makes my home a paradise, love makes my heart soar, ...... Heaven is in my home, bless every home is a paradise...", the children's faces were full of smiles, singing loudly, singing, singing, more and more interested, more and more powerful, especially when they sang, "Paradise is in my home, bless every home is a paradise," even louder. Mandy asked the children what heaven is. Mandy asked the kids what is heaven? Zhifeng: "Well, heaven is heaven." I don't know who said, "Heaven is a place with lots of angels." Not bad.

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