Tag: 戶外參觀

A Word from the Principal - Accompanying Children on the Path to Preschool Growth


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Message from the Director - Outdoor Learning: Confucius Temple/Literature Center

The Shin Yee Literary Award 30 Story Theatre - Sword and Lion Parade was performed on September 28th and 29th at the Tainan Cultural Center's Original Theatre, attracting many friends of all sizes. The three performers led the audience to immerse themselves in the storytelling atmosphere, and with their skillful acting, the puppets combined elements of picture books, lion dances, and cloth bag plays throughout the show, allowing the children and the sword and lion to go through a surprising and interesting journey of searching for swords. On June 27th, the author of Sword and Lion Parade, Mr. Liu Rugui, came to

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A Word from the Gardeners - Spring 2019 Tour

Fingers counting, the semester has passed half, there are three months, 107 school year will end, also means that the children's grades will be up; older children will enter elementary school, intermediate to large class, small to medium, young to small, think of here, the feelings of reluctance arose, especially in the older children, together for four years, three years, two years, to see them from a clueless little child, parents, teachers and teachers, the companionship, interaction, learning, quarreling, and the children will be able to learn. accompanied by parents, teachers, peers, interaction, learning, playing, quarreling

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A Word from the Principal - Outdoor Learning Outside the Campus

Teaching outside of school is the most enjoyable thing for children. In addition to spring and fall trips, if there is a nearby attraction or store that is suitable for teaching, we will make arrangements to visit it in accordance with the theme of teaching. Before deciding on a visit, the teacher will go on a scouting trip and make contact with both parties to confirm the availability of the visit. It may seem like a simple task to contact the teachers for a visit, but in fact, they need to put in some effort to prepare for the visit, such as the purpose of the visit, the age of the children, the proximity of the location, the size of the space, the suitability of the content, the opening hours, and the time of the day.

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Message from the Director - Fall Tourism Programs

On the day of thanksgiving, we arranged a fall tour to Shoushan Zoo and Children's Museum in Kaohsiung. The children embarked on the journey to their destination with a grateful heart and a joyful mood. As a tour leader, I took the first bus with the older children, enjoying the interaction between the teachers and the children on the bus; thankful for the teachers' dedication and preparation, the theme of the tour on the bus was related to the zoo, and we played animal catching games; for the riddle on the way back, the children set up the riddle by themselves!

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From the Headmaster - Expected Outdoor Learning Programs are at home!


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Outdoor Education: Outside the Classroom, Learning is More Effective


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Message from the Headmaster - Rainstorm Adventure

熱帶性低氣壓從屏東登陸,為南部帶來強風豪大雨。 八月23日週四,安排戶外參觀教學-奇美食品觀光工廠,八點四十分,小朋友依序前往搭車,天空下著毛毛細雨,為安全起見,由娃娃車接駁到崇學路搭乘遊覽車,九時十分車子平安抵達目的地,天氣好好的,沒風沒雨,還有很多團體、個人前往參觀。 入觀光工廠,參觀介紹、製作

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A word from the director - a pity about the outdoor visit

It rained intermittently, sometimes sunny, sometimes rainy, unpredictable, sunny at the moment, and then dark clouds. It rained all night on Tuesday afternoon and continued to rain all day on Wednesday. Adults and children alike asked, "Will the trip to the Chi Mei Museum be canceled tomorrow or will it be the same as before? I don't know if it will rain or not, it's hard to make a decision, I can only decide on Thursday morning. I couldn't sleep the whole night because of this, and I looked outside from time to time; thankfully, it didn't rain until 6:00 a.m., but it was still raining!

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