Tag: 國慶日

Double Ten National Day for the 113th year of the Republic of China (ROC)

Following the three-day typhoon holiday at the end of July due to Typhoon Kemi, Tainan had a three-day typhoon holiday last week due to Typhoon Santol. According to my friends, there are no consecutive vacations this year, but thanks to the typhoon, there were two three-day vacations. Two months into the semester, it is now October. October used to be called the Glorious October because of the National Day (10/10), Taiwan Restoration Day (10/25), and the anniversary of late President Chiang Kai-shek's birthday (10/31).

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National Day (Republic of China)

The National Day of the Republic of China (ROC) is set on October 10, 1911, the day of the Wuchang Uprising, also known as Double Ten Day, Double Ten National Day, Double Ten Celebration, and National Day of the Republic of China. The Wuchang Uprising was the beginning of the Xinhai Revolution. Within two months after the Uprising, revolutionary actions succeeded in various parts of China, and eventually succeeded in overthrowing the Qing Dynasty and establishing the Republic of China (ROC) on January 1, 1912, making it the first universally-recognized republic in East Asia. This day is also a national holiday of the Republic of China.

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Provide a clean environment for children to learn and grow.

上週四因小犬颱風無預警的放了一天假,但卻也打亂了許多人的行程。週五上一天課,接著放四天的雙十國慶假期。 國慶日-國家的生日,一般人生日都會舉辦慶生會,何況是國家的生日,如何慶祝?孩子們說:買蛋糕、唱生日歌,這是在他們小腦袋裡說得出的生日經驗。中華民國幾歲了?一百一十二歲。趁此機會讓孩子多了解國家的歷

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Message from the Director - Free, Open and Diverse

Monday, October 10th, the National Day, is the 111th birthday of the Republic of China (ROC), the birthday of the nation, a day to celebrate, and I am sure that many people chose to stay in front of the TV to watch the bustling celebrations in front of the Presidential Palace. On Tuesday morning when we gathered, we asked the children to raise their hands if they had watched any TV programs on the National Day, and more than half of them did, and then we asked them what they had seen. Some said they saw airplanes, some said the street dance was great, and some said the band performed at ..... This year's National Day

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Message from the Director - 10/13 New Epidemic Prevention System

週一一早,辦公室的電話鈴聲響起,電話那頭家長來電幫小孩請假,問明假因,是媽媽確診,小孩為密切接觸者,須請假一星期;接著班級老師也接到家長的訊息,因爸爸確診小孩要請假,統計本週因家人確診請假的小孩就有四個。 根據中央疫情指揮中心報導,目前每天確診的人數仍維持在四萬多人,且還有很多黑數。幼兒園每天都有在

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October of Diversity

In a flash, tomorrow is October. "In addition to the nation's birthday on October 10th, there is also Taiwan's Kwan Foetus Day on October 25th. National flags are hoisted in every home, and there are many celebrations. The day before the National Day, the kindergarten organizes a parade in which the army, navy, air force, envoys from various countries, soldiers, peasants, industrialists, and businessmen hold national flags, and under the guidance of the principal and the drum team, they march around the community. Led by the headmaster and the drum band, they marched around the community, attracting countless neighbors.

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就我印象所及,從小學、國中、高中到大學, 似乎沒有懷疑過十月是光輝的,為什麼光輝,一時也難以回答; 是要訴諸民族情感,還是要理性看待光輝十月被塑造的過程。 日曆上印著雙十節,也有印國慶日,反正就是放假的日子, 我來到名間鄉靠近濁水車站附近,看到幅布條; 署名是國民黨南投縣黨部。 但除此之外,街頭甚少

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園長的話 – 雙十國慶在台南

十月一開始,連著兩個禮拜的連續假期,第一週中秋四天連假,第二週國慶三天連假,連假讓許多平日在外地讀書的學子、就業的朋友,多一兩天與家人相聚的時間;讓平常忙碌的工作人放鬆心情;也是多數人安排外出旅遊的好機會;大家對連假的安排,因著不同身分、角色、工作、居住地區而有所不一樣。 許多知名的旅遊景點,平日遊

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Message from the Principal - Take care of your eyes and teeth from a young age.

 I rode my bike to the market before nine o'clock on a holiday weekend, and when I stopped at the traffic light, I saw a line of people on the opposite side of the road. I was curious to find the answer to my question, and I saw that the first person in the line was parked in front of an ophthalmology clinic, which was not for any kind of Hao Hong business, but for medical consultation, and the line was made up of mostly young people, both male and female. While waiting for the clinic, everyone was looking down at their cell phones. As smart phones are becoming more and more popular

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園長的話 – 國慶快樂

又到了一年一度的國慶日了,問小朋友:「甚麼節日快到了?」孩子的回答竟然是「萬聖節」,讓我哭笑不得;還好佩岑說:「是台灣的生日快到了,在十月十日。」 「小朋友過生日要慶祝,那國家的生日要不要慶祝?」「要」 「怎麼慶祝?」小朋友:「可以買蛋糕來慶祝!」「可以畫國旗!」 記憶中的十月,是大家最期待的月份,

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