Tag: 健康

Message from the Director - Chinese New Year Congratulations

Congratulations on the Chinese New Year, Tigers, good health, and good luck in the Year of the Tiger! After the vacation, school started. Children came to kindergarten early in the morning and the campus was full of children's laughter again, sharing interesting stories about the New Year's Eve at home or on trips, and happily doing various kinds of physical exercises, listening to stories, and playing with blocks in the morning. We asked the children, "Do you want to play outdoors or go into the classroom to play in the learning area when you come to kindergarten in the morning? The children unanimously said they wanted to play outdoors. The children want to move their muscles in the morning. Yes, they do.

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The Six Core Nutrients for Young Children

In order to understand the dynamics of children's morning light time in the kindergarten, a survey was conducted during the assembly time. The children were asked, "If you go to the grass field to play in the morning, please sit down; if you go to the sand field to play, please sit down; if you go to the activity room to play, please sit down; and finally, if you don't sit down, please ask the children what they are doing during that time. A child said, "I just came here because my dad went to bed too late." Others said, "Mommy called me too late." Others said, "I was playing in the classroom or organizing my backpack." Haha ~ kids come in late and put the blame on the

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冬天是心血管疾病的好發季節,每年寒流奪走國人性命的新聞時有所聞。當氣溫降低或溫度驟降時,血管內的平滑肌會跟著收縮,容易造成血壓突然升高,如果是三高病患(包括糖尿病、高血壓、高血脂),會增加心臟病及中風急性發作機會,對此,國民健康署提醒民眾務必注意保暖,不管是老年人還是年輕人都該注意。  &

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Message from the Principal - Three elements of self-protection - take your temperature, wash your hands regularly and wear a mask.

The number of confirmed cases of C pneumonia in Taiwan has reached 100, and one case was a student at a neighboring university. We are even more nervous because it is very important to remind children once again that the three important elements of self-protection - measuring body temperature, washing hands frequently, and wearing a mask - must be observed and implemented in order to ensure their own physical health and not to be attacked by the virus. "To measure body temperature, please ask your parents to measure your child's body temperature when they get up early in the morning. In case of fever (ear temperature ≧38℃; forehead temperature ≧37.5℃), please check your child's body temperature.

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A Word from the Headmaster - It's Spring

March is spring, but the back side of spring is rightly described as unstable weather, hot and cold, sunny and rainy, unpredictable, so we have to pay attention to what we wear to avoid catching a cold. On Monday, the temperature gradually rose, and then was affected by the northeast monsoon, which made it a little cooler; on Tuesday, it slightly rebounded, and then on Wednesday, the northeast monsoon strengthened again. As this wave of northeast monsoon was stronger, and close to the continental air mass, the temperature dropped significantly, and there were rains, so everyone put on thicker clothes again.

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【親子教養篇】春天後母面! 防堵過敏疾病發作這樣做

入春後,天氣溫變化大,稍不注意,很多人會感冒,且不少人鼻過敏、氣喘、異位性皮膚炎、蕁麻疹、眼睛過敏性結膜炎等過敏疾病也會跟著發作,不妨趁此時節為自己打好底,強化免疫力,預防過敏疾病發作。 振興醫院過敏免疫風濕科主任李信興表示,由於春天氣候變化較大,對有過敏體質的人來說,的確易因免疫系統的失衡誘發過敏

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園長的話 – 家庭是防疫工作的源頭

新冠狀病毒肺炎疫情延燒,下週二中小學結束漫長的假期,即將開學,大家都繃緊神經,希望校園防疫工作能做到滴水不漏。 學生入校時量體溫,手部噴酒精的消毒工作,都需要人力、物力;中小學校人數多,尤其是大型學校,學生人數高達上千人以上的,需事先做好準備,才能避免學生量體溫時,排隊阻塞的現象。 群聚的場所,特別

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【親子教養篇】 「生理時鐘」作息表和健康大有關係(二)

【午│11:00~17:00】 午餐不能省略-上班族一忙起來,經常隨便吃、甚至省略午餐。胃苦苦等待食物卻落空,長期如此會造成傷害;同時血糖太低,下午也很難有精神工作。 陳紋慧說,外食者比較容易缺少蔬菜,應該格外注意。 小睡-下午可體松開始下滑,且飯後血液往腸胃集中,幫助腸胃吸收、消化,腦部的血流量減

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園長的話 – 建立生活的時鐘

課間戶外活動時間的音樂響起了,各班小朋友在老師的帶領下,魚貫地走出教室,到草場、遊戲場、活動室、前門廣場等,愉快地進行著大肌肉的活動。 因著老師們的專業,加上幼兒園豐富的體能器材,每天總有著不一樣的活動安排,吸引著小孩們開心的玩著,一次次、一關關,即使汗流浹背,依然澆熄不了想玩的動機,也透過玩樂中,

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