Category: 親子教養

What is the difference between a cold, the flu, and a flu-like illness?

Can't tell the difference between a cold, the flu, and a flu-like illness? A cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract that occurs in the nose and throat; influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by the influenza virus; and influenza-like illnesses are any viruses that cause symptoms as severe as the flu. A common cold is an infection of the upper respiratory tract that occurs in the nose and throat. There are hundreds of viruses that cause colds. Symptoms include coughing, sneezing, nasal congestion, and runny nose, not necessarily a fever. Colds

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Gratitude begins with saying thank you.

Thanksgiving Card] - November is the month of thanksgiving. In this season of thanksgiving, we will lead our children to talk about what they are thankful for, whether it is to people, things, objects, or the environment around them, and we will start to build up a sense of gratitude from a young age. Modern children have received so much love that they often don't know how to express their gratitude and take it for granted. Therefore, how to appropriately express gratitude is a lesson worth leading. Today, we will distribute a piece of B5 pastel paper, please finish it on 11/14 (next).

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【親子教養篇】 立冬

「冬」有「終」或是「凍」的意思,「立冬」的到來代表著冬天的來臨。到了這個時節,農夫的作物活動已經告一段落,準備將收成品收藏起來;許多動物也開始準備以冬眠的方式,度過嚴寒的冬天。 「立冬」這一天,在臺灣有一個習俗,就是所謂的「補冬」。因為古人認為冬天的天氣寒冷,需要補充營養,所以你會發現街頭的「羊肉爐

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National Day (Republic of China)

The National Day of the Republic of China (ROC) is set on October 10, 1911, the day of the Wuchang Uprising, also known as Double Ten Day, Double Ten National Day, Double Ten Celebration, and National Day of the Republic of China. The Wuchang Uprising was the beginning of the Xinhai Revolution. Within two months after the Uprising, revolutionary actions succeeded in various parts of China, and eventually succeeded in overthrowing the Qing Dynasty and establishing the Republic of China (ROC) on January 1, 1912, making it the first universally-recognized republic in East Asia. This day is also a national holiday of the Republic of China.

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20. 以色列 兒童津貼:每月第一個孩子約NT$1,750,隨子女數增加 育補助金:一次性約NT$57,000 托兒服務:3-4歲兒童可獲免費教育 3.03 → 2.90以色列中央統計局21. 匈牙利 生育獎勵金:終身免所得稅(適用於生育4個以上子女的婦女) 家庭住房補貼:多子女家庭可獲最高約NT$

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Gratitude is the source of inner happiness.

快樂常常來自於很小的事,無論是下午茶的可口甜點或是晚餐的美味佳餚,都會令人心情愉悅﹗只不過這樣子的快樂往往很短暫,轉瞬即逝。 一個人對於快樂的看法,決定著自己的內心是否平靜與喜樂。我們的這顆心,就是點亮快樂的明燈。 懂得「感恩」正是內心快樂的泉源。感恩能豐富精神層次,富足心靈快樂、幸福,有如和煦陽光

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哈佛大學研究想孩子越來越快樂?  家長一定要教孩子做的四件事

很多家長都會希望孩子健康、快樂地成長,但是實際要怎樣做,才能教 出一位越來越開心、快樂的孩子呢? 想要教出越來越開心、快樂的孩子,有四點是我們一定要做到的。孩子 一定要懂得感恩。但哈佛大學的研究指,孩子要學會感恩,不能單單只 是懂得說「謝謝」、以及只懂心存感恩這麼簡單。他們用了四個步驟指 出,如何幫

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畢業-是一種成長的象徵,代表孩子即將進入另一個階段,面對全新的挑戰,是有特殊意義的大事。不論如何,都建議大人盡量出席參與喔! 今年六月很巧的,身邊有很多大大小小的孩子們正好碰到要畢業的時刻。不論是小升中、幼升小,甚至是需要穿上學士服,戴上學士帽的大學畢業典禮。 畢業典禮不論是過去和現在,在流程上大致

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十九世紀中葉,在美國教育家賀拉斯·曼等的推動下,美國進行教育改革,如統一教育制度,學校放暑假是其中一項,得到醫學及心理學界的支持,他們認為學生長期「受壓」,不利成長,而且夏天擠在一起,容易滋生傳染疾病。經過半個世紀努力,加上社會條件成熟,水到渠成。 美國轉型工業社會,交通成本降低,中產興起,到了夏天

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