The meaning of "renhe" is: "renhe" → two or more people are called ren, and "he" is peace, with interpersonal relationships as a prerequisite:
- The spirit of Mr. Flaubert's good gardener.:老師好比園丁,以愛心、耐心來照顧幼兒,從「人性教育」為出發點,讓孩子在自我逐漸摸索、學習中,了解自身的能力與潛力。
- The Spirit of the Montessori Snail:尊重兒童,以兒童為中心,把握兒童的敏感期,融合生活、感覺、數、運動教育、家庭教育,學習蝸牛慢慢爬的等待、正確性、穩定的、向上的精神。
- Piaget's Theory of Physical Games, Mathematical Concepts:皮亞傑為二十世紀最偉大的幼兒心理學家,他所提供的數保留概念、物理遊戲、物與物之間的關係,對幼兒的智能有很大的幫助,孩子通過遊戲能產生更好的概念。
- Action Education:增進身體感覺、知覺神經與身體動作或身體移動能力,進而養成積極、樂觀,富創意的〝心理特質〞,擴大思維自由度,開發思想潛能,從而在意識上建立健康身心與自覺的幸福感。
- Diversified Learning:提供孩子適性揚才、多元發展的學習環境。
Let your child grow up healthily and learn happily in a safe environment, laying a good foundation and preparing for various abilities so that he/she will become a child with "good character", "good habits", "can play, can exercise, creative and can read" in the future.