Day: August 31, 2024

Hey, kid, are you having a good day?

Parents who made reservations to visit the school on Tuesday arrived at the scheduled time. The three-person group - dad, mom, and child - were all smiles on their faces, and I could feel the joy in their hearts as well. After entering the school, the father of the child was looking for something, and the mother of the child said, "My husband used to read here when he was a child." Oh, I see, it's an alumnus, looking for his childhood memories. The alumnus told us how he remembered the days in the kindergarten, he was very happy and had a carefree heart every day!

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Gratitude is the source of inner happiness.

快樂常常來自於很小的事,無論是下午茶的可口甜點或是晚餐的美味佳餚,都會令人心情愉悅﹗只不過這樣子的快樂往往很短暫,轉瞬即逝。 一個人對於快樂的看法,決定著自己的內心是否平靜與喜樂。我們的這顆心,就是點亮快樂的明燈。 懂得「感恩」正是內心快樂的泉源。感恩能豐富精神層次,富足心靈快樂、幸福,有如和煦陽光

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