Day: March 16, 2024

幼兒體能遊戲 - 巡迴遊戲

The spirit of a good gardener.

After briefly sharing the origin of Arbor Day on March 12, I asked, "Why do we have Arbor Day? Why do we plant trees and flowers?" "To make the air nice, to make it cooler, to make the environment beautiful, to make the earth more beautiful." "What would the environment be like if there were no flowers and trees in the kindergarten?" The scene was silent and the children seemed to be seriously thinking about a garden without flowers, plants and trees. As the spring flowers bloom, it is a good time to plant trees to reduce the greenhouse effect, save energy and reduce carbon emissions.

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Arbor Day for Greening

Arbor Day really became a legitimate holiday to be certified and promulgated in July 1915, when the Father of the Nation, Dr. Sun Yat-sen, believed that forestry was a hundred-year plan, and when he was the Provisional President of the R.O.C., he gave special instructions to set up the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry responsible for national forestry and the Department of Forestry, and even promulgated the first Forestry Law, which advocated the planting of trees for the benefit of future generations. He also promulgated the first Forest Law, which advocated the planting of trees for the benefit of future generations, and the government decreed that the Ching Ming Festival be designated as the Tree Planting Day every year. Later, on March 1, 1925

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