Day: December 9, 2023

Dressing for Toddlers

The wheel of time keeps turning, and before we know it, it's the end of the year again. The weather in December and early winter is sometimes cold, sometimes hot, and there is a big difference in temperature between morning, noon and night. For office workers and students who go out early and come back late, they have to pay special attention to dress appropriately to protect themselves from the wind and cold, and not to get hot in the middle of the day. For children in kindergartens, most of their parents decide what to wear. The length, thickness and thickness of their clothes, especially when the climate changes, are many little unlucky people.

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What is the beauty of a toddler?

Close your eyes and think about the moments in your life when you felt beautiful. When you were a child, what experiences of beauty did you have? Was it when you went to the beach and saw the magnificent ocean? Or when you were surprised by a creative toy? Or was it when your mom let you wear a beautiful dress? Or reading a beautiful poem that touched your heart? All of these things that adults see as commonplace are often the source of a child's sense of beauty!

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