Month: August 2023

Don't Mosquito Me Dengue Fever Prevention and Control Campaign

The temperature was a bit cooler a while ago due to the wind and rain brought by the typhoon, but recently the weather has been warming up again, especially with the stagnant water problem brought by the typhoon, which has become a hidden danger of Dengue Fever. The Eastern District is a key area for dengue fever outbreaks, and we have heard of cases in the neighborhood before. The day before yesterday (8/23), we received a notice from the headmaster of the district that because of the outbreak of dengue fever in the neighborhood of the kindergarten, the Department of Health has decided to conduct an inspection of the neighborhoods from 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. on 8/25 today (8/25).

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How to help your child cope, adapt and adjust

On the third week of school, there are still children who cry when they come to school, or when they think of their family members, or when they wake up or when they eat; it is permissible and acceptable for children to release their emotions by crying, because crying is one of the phenomena of human beings' expression of emotions, and it is also a natural response to the flow of emotions, and it is a natural reaction to not hide their inner tensions in front of people, and it is like turning on a faucet to vent them out, especially for two- and three-year-old children who don't have much language vocabulary. Children, who do not have much vocabulary, have to cry to tell the people around them.

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Keeping Your Child Happy in School! 5 Key Points for Psychologist Moms to Deal with Separation Anxiety


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Looking for Daddy.

During the second week of school, the mood of the new students has stabilized and the number of crying children has decreased significantly. It is inevitable that children will be nervous and anxious when they first start school and move into a new learning environment, but they are adapting day by day and we believe that they will soon be able to integrate into the group life. The older siblings of our Kindergarten, Middle School and Kindergarten classes have also learned to help and lead their younger siblings in various learning activities. We are grateful to the parents for entrusting their children to us, and we hope that they will become partners in parenting.

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中華民國1945年(民國34年)的8月8日,中國抗日戰爭戰局逐漸明朗,上海部份愛國人士發起「父親節」來頌揚紀念在戰場上為國捐軀的父親們,公開署名的首倡者共10人,分別是:顏惠慶、袁希濂、陳青士、梅蘭芳、史致富、嚴獨鶴、費穆、陸干臣、富文壽、張一渠。 抗日戰爭勝利後,上海市各界黨國元老、名流紳仕如吳稚

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