Day: June 11, 2023

Phoenix Blossom, Graduation Season

The song "Spring Queue" is still ringing in our ears, but before we know it, June is already here, which means that spring is officially saying goodbye to us and we will meet again next year. June is a hot summer month, with the sun baking like a ball of fire. There is a Taiwanese proverb that says, "It rains in April for the mango plantation, in May there is no scorching, and in June there is fire." This proverb means that if it rains in April for the mango plantation, and then rains a lot in May on the lunar calendar, then it will be dry and hot in June on the lunar calendar.

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Embrace the beauty of nature!

6 Most Popular Benefits of Camping Have you been camping? The most popular national sport after the epidemic In recent years, with the impact of the epidemic so that people can no longer go abroad, access to nature camping has gradually become one of the most important leisure of many families on weekends and holidays, this kind of travel not only to avoid the gathering of crowds, but also a change of lifestyle cozy, precipitation in the urban jungle suffered by the pandemonium. The romance of camping, in that it has a pseudo foreign mood, in addition to the

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