Day: March 25, 2023

A Message from the Principal - Developing Good Hygiene Habits Building Healthy Wealth

Early in the morning, the phone in the office rang, and the parent on the other end of the line sent a message that her child had vomited in the middle of the night and needed to take the day off. A few minutes later, the phone rang again, and again, the child was vomiting in the middle of the night and had a fever, so she had to take the day off from work. Maybe it is because of the seasonal change, recently there are more children with gastrointestinal discomfort, vomiting, fever and sickness, some of them have symptoms at home, and some of them have conditions in kindergartens, such as stomach ache and vomiting, so parents will be asked to take their children home to rest and take care of them.

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Parenting】 Enterovirus prevention and health care

Enteroviruses can cause a variety of diseases, many of which are asymptomatic, some of which have fever or flu-like symptoms, but some of which have specific clinical manifestations, such as hand-foot-mouth disease, vesicular pharyngitis, aseptic meningitis, viral encephalitis, paralysis of the limbs syndrome, acute hemorrhagic conjunctivitis, infantile acute myocarditis and pericarditis in adults, epidemiological myalgia, and acute lymphadenopathic pharyngitis, Fever combined with rash, etc. Humans are the only source of enterovirus transmission.

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