Day: November 26, 2022

Message from the Director - Fall Thanksgiving Tour

On Thanksgiving Day Thursday, we received several happy Thanksgiving cards from our friends early in the morning, which made us feel very warm, and we also sent back this joyful message to welcome the beginning of the day with a brisk step. On this day of thanksgiving, we arranged a fall tour, the location of which was a one-day tour of the capital city, and a tour of ancient monuments - Chimei Building, Anping Ancient Fortress, and Yizai Golden City; the tour locations were not unfamiliar to the children, and they should have been there several times before, but the children were just very happy and excited!

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【親子教養篇】提升幼兒世界觀 親子旅遊好處多

不少父母都有帶孩子外出旅行的經驗,這是一個創造回憶,提升親子關係和感情的方式。但是出門在外,一定要特別注意寶寶安全,避免發生意外,還要滿足孩子的生理需求,並且準備急救用品,以備不時之需。 一、和幼兒一起旅行的好處 1. 知道世界之大 如果孩子總是待在家裡,他不會知道外面的世界有多大。妳可以先從離家比

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