Month: July 2022

The exhortation at the end of the semester

With the graduation ceremony coming to an end, the semester is coming to an end. This week is the last week of school for the semester, and the attendance rate of the Kindergarten children is still high, and the children said, "There are only a few more days left to play at Yanhee, and we won't have the chance to play from next week onwards, so we can't take a day off. On 7/28, we held a playgroup. The children gathered in the activity room, played games together, enjoyed McDonald's meals, shared the snacks each of them brought, and cherished the fact that we were all together.

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End writing assignment wars! Start with the hardest!

The question for many parents is how to guide their children to establish a habit of writing homework and reading. Regardless of the age of the child or the difficulty of the assignment, parents can encourage their children to establish a regular homework routine as the first step to success in the new school year. Every new school year is filled with promise: brand new workbooks, clean notebooks, and organized folders. But this feeling of hope doesn't last long before it's shattered by a child bawling in frustration at the prospect of doing their homework. New York Tutor

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Graduation Grab

Since the graduation ceremony is going to be held, in order to let the children know the flow of the ceremony, we have allocated a little bit of time for rehearsal every day since last week in the hope that the flow of the ceremony will be smooth on that day. The first graduation ceremony of a baby's life is very important and precious. Every child is a baby of Renhe, and we treat them equally and give them equal opportunities. From the beginning of the graduation ceremony, one class and two classes were on the stage, and then one by one, they made self-introductions for everyone to recognize them, and some of the children were graceful and elegant, and had a clear tongue.

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Graduation, another starting point for growth

Children will grow up eventually, but with more help from parents and teachers, they will be able to walk more steadily and understand the meaning of "graduation" and what it means to grow up. One day my child suddenly asked me, "Mom, what is graduation? I was stunned. I had been preparing for a graduation ceremony for some time, but my child didn't know much about it. Graduation is about preparing to move on to even better challenges Graduation signals the end of a phase and the preparation to move on to the next level of education.

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Work hard to prevent epidemics and give your child an unforgettable graduation ceremony

Time flies, the semester is coming to an end, next Friday will be the Graduation Ceremony and Achievement Presentation. We are very happy and proud to see that many children, from being ignorant and nervous to crying when they entered the kindergarten, through the baptism of time, can go up to the stage when they are about to graduate and introduce themselves, perform, tell stories, know how to share with their friends, and speak with full of self-confidence. The first graduation ceremony of a child's life is worth cherishing and celebrating, and it is the most important event at the end of the kindergarten year.

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[Summer Program Safety Promotion

In addition to epidemic prevention and safety measures, the Education Bureau reminds students to pay attention to the safety of activities during summer vacation. During the summer vacation, students often engage in a large number of leisure activities, which are divided into indoor activities and outdoor activities according to the different venues: (1) indoor activities: indoor activities include libraries, movie theaters, department stores, KTV, MTV, indoor concerts, indoor group activities, etc. When engaging in such activities, the first thing to do is to choose a safe and secure venue and familiarize yourself with the escape routes.

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疫情確診人數雖下降,但仍有四萬多人,不容輕忽;尤其是家中有人確診,小孩被傳染的機率甚高,請大家確實做好防疫的措施,落實自我健康監測,勤洗手、戴口罩、量體溫。 在畢業暨成果發表會將到的關鍵時刻,請大人小孩都要注意,做好防疫措施 ,放假勿趴趴走,在家也要戴口罩、勤洗手,不要再被確診被匡列、自主管理、隔離

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為瞭解各班親子共讀推動的結果,每學期末園長都會安排時間,一個個的做檢視。週一、二小朋友依序拿著閱讀紀錄本,讓園長過目。 問小孩:唸故事給你聽的是爸爸、媽媽還是…誰呢? 有的說爸爸、媽媽,有的說阿公或阿媽,也有說是自己念的;還有小朋友說爸爸、媽媽都沒有唸故事,叫我自己看書畫圖。 每一本紀錄,代表著小朋

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每年都有幼教系學生,因為研究報告需要做問卷,需要幼兒園協助的,今年也不例外,除了問卷外,六月上旬,有學生來電詢問,可否協助他們進行專題課程的研究。 研究主題是學前幼兒視覺空間工作記憶與不同形式翻牌遊戲之相關,了解有關學前幼兒在不同形式翻牌遊戲(傳統翻牌遊戲及電子翻牌遊戲)表現及策略的差異以及視覺空間

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