Day: June 11, 2022

Language is not only a way to know yourself, but also a key to the world.

The Story Sharing Contest entered its final stage - in Taiwanese - and was held on Thursday. Nine children in the older class and two in the middle class participated in the contest, but there were a few who gave up because they did not go to school due to the suspension of classes due to the epidemic, and there were some who came to school to participate in the contest. On May 23rd, the government announced that schools at all levels would be closed, and many children followed their brothers and sisters in the elementary and middle schools in the country in suspending their classes for three weeks.

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The Importance of Oral Expression

所謂的口語表達,指的就是清楚表達的能力、簡報能力以及推銷自己的能力,更深入的說,就是敢於公開表達的自信與技巧。 當一個人的專業知識很充足,想法很厲害,一旦他無法與人溝通或是將自己的想法表達出來,別人就無法從他身上學到任何知識,也無法了解他到底有多厲害。所謂的口語表達,指的就是清楚表達的能力、簡報能力

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