Month: December 2021

Christmas Programs

December is the last month of the year, but also the most anticipated month of joy for the children, we are organizing a series of activities to celebrate Christmas: Flea Market - the end of the year, in the joy and thanksgiving, caring for the underprivileged, organizing a flea market, asking for parents to support, provide items, to be put at home to take up space, thrown away and feel sorry for the things, in the Christmas month of caring, to respond to the practical actions, thank you! We will collect the items from 12/6 to 12/17, and then we will organize them and give them to the classroom teachers.

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園長的話 – 如何和孩子共讀

例行性的到班級做巡堂的工作,有的正在進行學習區的活動,有的在團討,有的是繪本的分享,有的是進行繪本的借閱,不同的班級進行的活動雖然都不一樣,但小孩們都樂在學習中。 說到繪本,就聯想到台灣閱讀節。每年12月是臺灣圖書館界的盛會,教育部自2015年起訂定每年十二月的第一個週六為「台灣閱讀節」,希望透過全

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華人的文化裡,過往我們較忽略兒童身體經驗的發展,但在現今教育的趨勢與研究中,發現肢體開發和學習潛能間有許多正向的關聯。透過繪本的引導操作,可以讓幼童與動物們一起伸展,在遊戲中使孩子對肢體展現顯得自信與自在! 閱讀《你是一隻獅子!跟著動物們一起做運動》這本充滿童趣的繪本時,我腦子裡浮現了兩個景象:一個

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