Month: December 2021

Words from the Headmaster - If you have love in your heart, you are willing to give it.

"Principal, this is my first time to participate in kindergarten activities and I am so touched! The whole kindergarten is so lively and full of Christmas spirit, thank you for your hard work." The mother of baby family Pak Ho shared with the principal during the activity. "Mr. Principal, we can see from you and the parents that love never ends." After the activity, the principal was seeing off the parents at the entrance, and the father of Wenhan and Wenxuan came up to the principal and said this, which touched the principal very much. If you have love in your heart, you are willing to give. Thank you parents for your support and

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「對許多人來說(包含我在內),2021年真的是非常艱難的一年,」比爾蓋茲在部落格表示。但他也強調希望2022年會更好,並樂觀地分享他對2022年的預測以及全球可能會出現的擔憂。 微軟創辦人比爾蓋茲依照慣例每年都會在部落格中,寫下當年的年度回顧,並對未來一年進行預測。而蓋茲今年的年度回顧寫了上萬字,主

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A word from the head gardener - the joy of sharing is doubled!

After class, the chattering sound of children came from the hallway of the meeting room. We saw several children from the older class stopping in front of the flea market, discussing with each other, drawing their hands and raising their decibels, saying, "I want to buy that car...", "I want to buy that doll...", "I want to buy this robot toy...I want a dinosaur! ......" Every child has their own wants and reasons for wanting them. They don't just look at them casually, they look at them carefully and seriously, and when they feel they are good, they hold them in their hands.

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Parenting] The Origin of Christmas

Christmas is a time to commemorate the birth of Jesus. According to the Bible, Jesus, the Son of God, was conceived in the womb of the virgin Mary through the Holy Spirit. Jesus' father, Joseph, lived in Nazareth and worked as a carpenter, a righteous man, who was not related to Jesus by blood but was legally Jesus' father. At that time, the country of Judaea was under the rule of the Roman Empire, and the Roman government had to conduct a census, and Joseph's family had to return to their hometown of Bethlehem to register.

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Parenting Seminar] Appreciation of Picture Books - How to Read and Appreciate the Beauty of Picture Books with Children

Parenting Seminar] - 111 years on Saturday, January 8, held this semester Parenting Seminar, parents are welcome to register to participate, please sign the registration form on the weekly newspaper and return it. Topic: Appreciation of Picture Books - How to Read and Appreciate the Beauty of Picture Books with Children Lecturer: Ms. Huei-Min Yen (Research and Development Staff of BookPlanet, Tainan City K-12 Reading Platform, Teacher Training Education Lecturer, Researcher of R.O.C. Association for Whole Language Education, Research Fellow of Teacher Training Education)

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Christmas Celebration

Christmas Celebration will be held on Friday, 12/24 from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Parents are reminded that since the outbreak has not been lifted, there is still a requirement to have an actual name, and that up to two parents are invited for each child, so please sign up in the weekly newsletter and return it.

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Message from the Head Gardener - Plant the seeds of love so that love will not be interrupted.

The end of the year is a difficult time for many underprivileged families, which is why various social welfare organizations will launch charitable activities at this time. Some give away goods, some help with money, no matter how they care, they all hold a loving heart and hope that they can be helped to get through the difficult time. As early as around 1980, Renhe has been taking caring actions, and in December, during the Christmas Caring Month, Renhe has been taking care of the elderly with the help of Shui Fook Yee.

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【親子教養篇】 跳蚤市場(Flea Market)

跳蚤市場是一個讓人出售及購買物品的市場,銷售貨物一般是二手物品,價格較便宜,但有時亦會有冒牌貨;有些跳蚤市場則可找到新貨但賣不出的貨品,通常都會割價發售。 在西方社會,在跳蚤市場尋寶購物是一種受歡迎的消閒活動。與中國的街市的區別是,街市有生鮮、百貨、食品等,而西方的跳蚤市場並沒有生鮮賣,更主要的是環

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【親子教養篇】 公投內容是什麼?

重啟核四-「您是否同意核四啟封商轉發電?」 反萊豬進口-「你是否同意政府應全面禁止進口含有萊克多巴胺之乙型受體素豬隻之肉品、內臟及其相關產製品?」 公投綁大選-「你是否同意公民投票案公告成立後半年內,若該期間內遇有全國性選舉時,在符合公民投票法規定之情形下,公民投票應與該選舉同日舉行?」 珍愛藻礁-

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園長的話 – 性格定型的黃金關鍵時期

「仁和好寶寶」 「有」、「仁和好寶寶」 「有」,下課後幾個寶貝家的小小孩,坐在活動室等候家長時的互動情形,當中較大的小孩模仿園長「仁和好寶寶」,兩旁的小小孩回「有」,小小孩們樂此不疲來回互動了幾十次,直到有小孩回家人數少了才自然的停止。一旁的我只靜靜地聽著、觀察著。聽著小小孩模仿園長每天晨光集合時間

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